Chapter 57

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Walking down the stairs all ready with a school bag on her back, Maleeka was definitely caught off guard but seeing her parents asleep together on the couch. Frozen in shock, a wide grin developed on the six year olds lips.

"I'm so glad.." She joyfully whispered. Watching the two of you so comfortably moulded against each other truly started to heal the hole in her heart that grew bigger each day you and him weren't together the way she would've liked. Two parents could be living under the same roof as each other, but that didn't mean they were always happy together. Hence seeing this was a milestone for her.

Being mature about it, Maleeka decided not to interrupt you or Hisoka. So she headed straight to the kitchen to eat breakfast. One of the drivers can take her to school today. After seeing why Hisoka couldn't, she was more than happy to sacrifice today.

"Morning Ms Morow. You look awfully cheerful today." Akira stated while wrapping Maleeka's lunch up.

"Oi, I told you to call me Maleeka. Ms Morow makes me sound old. And yea Akira, I am very cheerful today! Mummy and dad are asleep together on the couch for the first time in a long time. It makes me happy to see them together." She explained after popping a strawberry in her mouth.

"Ah yes, I saw that earlier. That is an odd sight to see around the house isn't it?" Akira warmly smiled, being rather happy for Maleeka feeling this joyful. Even she will admit that today, it felt like a heavy depressive blanket that smothered this house was lifted off. And the sun rays that would peer into the house everyday but not felt. Could be felt today. Its warmth heated up the house. Turned this house into a home. Made it feel cosy and comfortable. Something Akira never thought she would live long enough to experience. It was amazing how just two people could change the dynamics of emotive atmosphere by merely laying next to each other.

"Neh Akira, do you know how mum and dad used to be years ago back in high school?" Maleeka curiously wondered.

"Oh, unfortunately I wasn't around for that long. I have only been working for your father for 3 years now."

Humming in response, "I see. I wonder if they were very affectionate towards each other. Playful. Silly. Or quiet and reserved. But I think playful-affectionate. That's what Grimmjow described them too be."

Pondering over Maleeka's words, Akira, as old as she was, couldn't help but lightly blush.

"You know, I'm going to take most of the day off today. What do you say I pick you up after school? Get a late lunch and dessert on the way back home? Take a nice walk around the neighbourhood huh?" She offered. Knowing full well that if you and Hisoka were an affectionate pair, having the house yourselves will be extremely important. The last thing Akira wanted for both herself, Maleeka and the two of you, is to be interrupted during..Stuff.

"Ooo! Yes please. But only if we can have ice cream by the beach please." She bargained.

Sweetly grinning, "Deal."

Akira didn't have any family left. Her one son got married a long time ago and worked for Hisoka for distant missions. The guard that was instructed to watch over you at university. Hence, barely ever seeing him. Her late and only daughter died in a car accident at the age of three. So, spending time with Maleeka truly felt as if she was given a second to be a somewhat parent. To do the things she never got to do with her own daughter. And Maleeka was a breath of fresh air on top of it all. Always so upbeat and positive. Akira genuinely enjoyed the time she could spend with her.

Despite working for a man that can be ruthless, Akira will forever be grateful towards Hisoka for giving her a job. It seemed he noticed that everyday she would sit and drink tea at a local coffee shop almost everyday with eyes that reflected loneliness and lack of purpose.

Maybe it was a lonesome person feeling for another. Maybe he felt pity for her old age. Maybe he could relate to the lack of purpose in her life. Or maybe he solely just needed someone to do a few things around the house. But he eventually approached her table and requested she come work for him. Nothing too hectic.

It was only until the second year working for him, did he begin to trust her enough to not hide his work and freely discuss matters about his business in her presence.

Akira was appreciative that he never made her do anything too inhumane. Nor ever exposed her to anything gruesome. The bad side to the mafia to put it bluntly. He always kept that stuff out of his house as much as he could. It was only until a few months ago. The killing and cleaning up of Hidan's blood, was her first encounter with the nasty side of Hisoka's career.

But despite that, Akira could understand why Hidan had to die. It was rather traitorous and mean for Hidan to wish nothing but Hisoka's downfall in life.

He had his issues. But her boss wasn't a bad man. Just did bad things. Naturally so, because his dealings consisted of illegal drugs,  firearms, underground gambling and so on. But nonetheless. His work didn't define his substance. Hisoka had a heart. And it was obvious it was only active and existing when it involved you and Maleeka.

"Eat up Ms Morow, I'll take you to school today too." She faffed over her like a genuine grandmother.


"Yes, yes. My apologies. Maleeka." She corrected.

Opening the door to leave, Akira's view was obscured by a bodily figure dressed in a suit.

"Oh, where are we off too so early?"

"Mr Michaelis! I'm sorry to bump into you. Ah yes, I'm going to drop Maleeka off at school."

"Akira is taking the day off today and we going to hang out after school." Maleeka beamed, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Are you now? May I ask why?" Sebastian curiously enquired.

"Oh..I um.." She nervously trailed off, feeling like she might be in trouble. Even though she truly wasn't. Sabastein couldn't worry less about why she wasn't working.

"Look at the couch mister." Maleeka butted in with a smug undertone.

Averting his gaze to the lounge, he was rather startled to see you and Hisoka comfortably cuddled together on the couch. Especially after knowing that things were rather rough after the surgery. The days he would drop by, he could blatantly see and sense that there was tension and awkwardness.

"Finally." Sabastein whispered.

"Y-Yes. I thought maybe I should take the day off so they can.." Akira trailed off for the sake of not saying anything in front of Maleeka.

Getting the hint, Sebastian looked away with a smirk. "Yes. That's a good idea. Well, I should see myself out too. I was worried about Hisoka because his phone was switched off. But clearly there's nothing to worry about."

"Come. I'll drive you both." He offered, closing the door behind him  to finally leave the house abandoned for the two of you to enjoy.

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