Chapter 77

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Feeling his phone shortly vibrate in his pocket. Hisoka snapped open his eyes as if he was suffering from PTSD of that dreadful ex mafia family and the discussions they indulged in with him.

Checking to see if you were still here, safe in his arms, Hisoka expelled a sigh of relief when he saw you peacefully asleep next to him.

He couldn't help but partially smirk at how adorable you looked snuggled against him with both your arms wrapped around his one arm.

Careful to not wake you up, Hisoka slid his other hand down into his pants to pull out his phone.

The notification was an automatic bank receipt that would be sent whenever there was any activity happening with his money.

Payment into Hyakkaou Private casino. -$10.6 billion. Reference: Kirari Momobami. Available balance, $22.3 billion. 

Hisoka wasn't one to ever care about how much money was spent. Especially if you were the one spending his money. Or him spending it on you. Such as paying your university fees or wedding fees. But this. 10.6 billion of his money spent by another woman he despised? That was crossing the line.

Not even your university fees and the wedding fees combined came close to depleting one third of his bank balance in one go.

He never had to worry about his balance reaching zero with you. But for the first time in his entire life, Hisoka believed he might actually reach ground zero within a few days with this compulsive gambler leeching on his money even though her family has their own wealth.

"Damn this woman." Hisoka annoyingly groaned.

Needing to go to the bathroom to freshen up and leave in aim of sorting Kirari out, Hisoka slowly sat up and slipped his arm out of your embrace with ease.

Waiting until you stopped stirring, only to turn back around and hold onto Maleeka. Hisoka turned on the light and went into the bathroom.

As he used the toilet, he noticed there was a lot of colourful party decorations in the bathroom. Looking at the tub, it was surrounded by used candles and flowers that seemed a day old. Draped down the railings were streamers. Definitely set up by a kid based off how unorganised it looked. Hisoka knew, your OCD would never not colour coordinate anything.

Finishing up with his leak, Hisoka went to wash his hands, only then did it hit him what everything was about.

In a shaky-untrained hand, lipstick was written on the mirror.

"Happy 26th birthday mummy! I wrote on the mirror becoz' you don't need it! You still look so bootiful'
Love you lots! I left your present by the TV."

Rereading it over again for at least 5 times. Hisoka stood there in disbelief and guilt about this new found information.

Quickly taking his phone back out, he studied the screen.

4:02 am ; 21 November

"21 November Your birthday was yesterday." He breathlessly concluded.

Recalling yesterday's events, it made sense now why you never bother to message him. You were too preoccupied with Maleeka trying her best make something out of your birthday. Relaxing peacefully in the serene theme She created in the bathroom for you. Then the dancing and screaming.

Now that he thought about, the room still had remnants of a birthday.

Walking towards the TV, Hisoka saw gift box. There was nothing inside anymore, but it was obvious it was a bracelet box. The note attached read as follows;

"This gift is just a reminder that you are the best! I know you had me when you were 19, but you doing a great job mum. I'm proud of you❤️

Your bestie:)"

After reading the note, Hisoka placed everything down and walked over to you. Your arm was over Maleeka so it was easy to see the golden bracelet around your wrist. On the plate, the word #1 Mummy with a heart on top was engraved.

With a heavy sigh, and not really being as gentle to not wake you up. Hisoka cupped your cheek, and leaned down over you.

Lingering over you for a few seconds, Hisoka watched your beautiful face stir lightly in your sleep because the tips of his straight hair ghostly tickled your skin.

Bending lower, Hisoka pressed his lips against the side of your right temple.

"You are doing a great job Y/n.. I'm glad you are the mother of my children. We all are lucky to have you. You are so irreplaceable you know that?.." He whispered in his lowly sleek voice.

Sliding his hand down your cheek to lightly grip the back of your head with subtle passion. Hisoka planted a kiss on the area just below your eye and froze. Not wanting to remove his lips off your perfectly edible skin.

"Don't ever forget that Y/n.. No matter what happens between us and how things will appear to you. Never forget you are irreplaceable to me. You, and only you will always be the queen of my heart. No other woman." The Joker gingerly whispered against your skin - holding you even tighter as if he was in some kind of pain. Inner turmoil that aggravated his soul.

"Happy birthday Y/n..I Love you too." He barely whispered before reluctantly pulling away from you.

Standing up straight, Hisoka lightly grazed his sharp finger nail down Maleeka's cheek. "That includes you too." He said with distant warmth and sadness before taking his leave.

Hearing the door click shut, your eyes snapped open wide in shock. Slowly growing, your lips tugged up into a satisfied grin.

"He said he loves me too.." You replayed his voice over and over again. There was no heated discussion or dying in each other's arms.

Just a normal day. A normal day where Hisoka finally returned your love verbally.

Well, he assumed you were still fast asleep when he uttered those words. And you were! But feeling him cup your cheek woke you up.

"Pipe it down mum. I still have a week left of school to go too before the holidays." A sleepy Maleeka amusingly commented.

Grinning wider, you held Maleeka tighter and wriggled her a bit in excitement.

"Why you Acting like you are in high school with exams coming up! But fine. Goodnight." You happily cooed, snuggling closer to your daughter out of glee.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now