Chapter 63

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Maybe around 10 minutes later. Hisoka saw you walking down the corridor. Eyes blood shot red from crying.

Closing his eyes to pretend he was still asleep. He heard you blow your nose and lightly whine in hurt through your crying in his bathroom.

Obviously suppressing your sniffles, he felt you cautiously get back onto the bed and slipped underneath the covers.

Opening one eye ever so slyly, he saw that your back was faced to him. And you were laying as far as you could from him. Just inches away from the edge of the bed.

It was clear as day you didn't want to be next to him. But because Hisoka was scared and selfish, he couldn't allow you to want this distance from him.

Unashamedly. Undoubtedly. Hisoka didn't want to lose you. And he will be damned if an outsider was the reason you walked away from him for good.

Playing it off smoothly, as if his sleeping self knew you were gone and returned - seeking for your body. Hisoka extended out his arm to wrap around your waist. Pulling you closer to him. So close You were practically sharing the same pillow as him.

"There you are. I couldn't feel you anymore." Hisoka forced his sleepy voice to make it all convincing.

After a few sniffles and lightly clearing your throat, "Y-Yeah. I just left to drink some water. Was feeling thirsty." You tried your best to not allow your voice to crack.

"Hm." Hisoka groaned thoughtfully and unpleased.

Holding you tighter, Hisoka nuzzled his face against the back of your neck. "Next time, wake me up and tell me to go get whatever you need. You are still recovering. And I don't want you walking down those stairs by yourself." He purposely answered affectionately to chase any negative thoughts Sasuke might have put in your head.

"I c-can do it by myself it's okay." You whispered back.
Leaving Hisoka more on edge. That single sentence made him nervous.

Answering for both, "I know you can do it on your own. But you don't need too anymore. I want to help." Hisoka uncharacteristically assured you again.

"T-thank you..." You lowly murmured. Feeling his hot breath run down your neck made your toes and stomach tingle. And it was rather soothing your tears that didn't seem stop spilling silently. Hisoka always could make you calm down...Without even trying.

But thinking about Sasuke's words and feeling overwhelmed with emotions, resulted in your tears overcoming Hisoka's soothing ability.

Partially hyperventilating, you sat up and glared down at Hisoka, locking eyes with his own yellow ones that glowed with ever such intensity.

"Is something wr-"

Cutting him mid sentence. You dived into Hisoka's arms. Slipping your right arm around his neck and other around his back, gripping onto his shoulder in desperation.

Settling down after your mini physical outburst. Hisoka could clearly feel your wet eyes against his neck. And your heartbeat thudding aggressively over his own heart.

Uncertain and wary of what to do, knowing full well why you are crying. Hisoka laid there, staring up at the ceiling. Listening to you quietly cry and breathe heavily.

Were you crying because you were scared of telling him you leaving? Crying out of guilt? Out of pity for him?

Damn, for the first time other than almost losing you to death. Hisoka was afraid. The Joker was always in control of everything and everyone. So there was never any surprises that was too overboard for him to handle. But this...

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now