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"What?" Your confused manner asked again.

From shock and disbelief, fear filled Hisoka's eyes. Instinctively, Hisoka grabbed onto your hand and pulled you closer to his side.

"Why are you here? Y/n isn't dying anymore. Why are you here Itachi?" You heard Hisoka defensively speak to no one in front of him.

"Itachi?" You muttered to yourself - still confused. However, after a few seconds, you recalled seeing Itachi in the bathroom when you were on the verge of death. You didn't know if that was real or you hallucinating from the drastic lose of blood. So you never really thought much about it. Rather, you enjoyed whatever the hell that interaction was. But if Hisoka is now seeing him too, it had to be real? Why couldn't you see him though?

"Hisoka, no one is there...Itachi is dead.." You said, trying to snap him out of it. A small part of you was actually hoping Hisoka spotted Itachi in the distance, and his whole death was just a cruel hoax someone was playing with you.

Although his gaze didn't flutter, Hisoka heard you.
"If she can't see you, why can I? I'm I going to die soon?" Hisoka impatiently asked a very feint Itachi dressed in loose clothing standing a few feet in front of him.

"Answer me Itachi." You heard the Joker question again, this time tightening his grip on you.

It couldn't end like this. Why was life refusing to let him be happy? He has changed, he got you back. He is on the verge of starting a new life with you. It couldn't all end before it properly started. And if it was his time to die, why was Itachi here? He wasn't necessarily entirely close to him if he was basing your death experience of someone you loved coming to 'fetch your soul'. If such a process was real, the people he would expect to see just before he dies would be his parents. Unless over the years Hisoka developed an odd connection with Itachi from visiting his grave from time to time and 'talk' to him.

Hisoka watched Itachi smile ever so warmly at him. A smile that could be found in his eyes too. Even in his death, the Uchiha still radiated warmth and light.

"Relax Hisoka. I'm not here to collect any souls." The Joker heard the black haired man finally reply.

"How is this even possible?" Hisoka asked himself and Itachi - feeling like he was losing his mind.

"Who knows why you can see me now. I've always been around. For years. Maybe it's Gods will, maybe I'm a figment of your imagination, or maybe...I'm your last issue that you need to overcome on this road of redemption you seem to have taken.." Itachi answered him again. Proving this is really happening.

Partially relaxing after believing you weren't going to die, Hisoka loosened his grip on your hand.

"My last issue?" Hisoka queried, still a bit too shellshocked to answer you.

"Why would you be my last issue I need to deal with?" The red haired coaxed Itachi to talk more.

"The need for validation. To be set free from your guilt Hisoka." Itachi answered.

"For years I have listened to you speak to me by my grave. And the common theme of all those conversations were you telling me what you did for Y/n. And how you thought what you were doing is right. Almost as if you were seeking validation from me in your decisions and actions." Itachi began to elaborate.

Quietly, Hisoka listened attentively to what Itachi was saying. Which, unfortunately was all true..
Hisoka would never admit to anyone about the guilt he carried from going against what Itachi wanted from him. He tried to justify to Itachi's grave that what he was doing was still looking after you like he wanted because he paid for your university fees and ensured you got a 'bursary allowance' To look after yourself and Maleeka. However, deep down, he knew Itachi meant that he needs to be physically present and look after you. Be loving and sensitive towards you after his death.
Be a present father. Be a present lover. He knew he failed to live up to Itachi's wishes.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now