Chapter 3

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Just like Hidan wanted, they all ended up attending the reunion. It wasn't too bad. Obviously there were some that were fearful or fangirling, but surprisingly everyone in their grade treated them normally.

"I wonder if Y/n will come. I still feel bad that she dropped out after Itachi's death. " One person spoke among the group. Even after all these years you were still the top of conversations. Naturally so. After all, you were one of the golden pupils that outshone everyone academically. Everyone wanted to know what became of a genius whose life spiraled out of control.

"I doubt she will, she didn't graduate highschool remember?"

"Nah that's bull. I heard she still went to study medicine at Yale."

"That's impossible! She didn't write her end of the year exam nor graduate. I think you had too much to drink."

Just on cue, all chatter quietened down instantly when they saw who worked through the door.

"Well I guess this confirms the report." Illumi blurted out to the gang that had their eyes now on Hisoka. Anxious of what he will do.

Hisoka slowly lowered his drink to the table while his eyes seemed so still but haunted by the image in front of him.

6, almost now 7 years.
Seven years since his eyes last saw you. The only girl he genuinely had true feelings for. The reports did comfirm that you were in town, however seeing you in person was surreal.

His entire body turned stone cold. Internally it felt like his world shattered into a million pieces. His heart was not ready to see you again. It hurt too much. It reminded him of too much. It's all too late now.

Analyzing you, it seemed you looked healthier from the last time he saw you talking to Grimmjow at the hospital. Your skin had a glowing tan. Your body that was hugged tightly by the royal red dress showed off your curves.

Your were partially muscular and slender in the past. Probably because of the pregnancy your breasts were now slightly enlarged. Thicker thighs. Toner legs. You gained weight in a good way. It was obvious by the leg and neck lines that would flex every time you moved meant you continued to gym everyday for years. Your body in overall, matured in the best of manners.

Hands down you looked drop dead gorgeous.

"Y/n!" Your ex friend yelled out to break the intense silence as he ran up to you for a bear hug.

"Renji! It's been forever!" You muffled happily in his arms.

It didn't miss Hisoka's eyes. He noticed the way Renji hugged you. It wasn't that brotherly hug he used to give you in school. That tattooed red head bastard had his hands comfortably wrapped and rested on your lower back. Guess he wasn't the only one that noticed your new curves.

"Come sit! Tell me about what you have been up too for so long." Renji held your arm as he ushered you to a table.

As time expired, his friends tried to go about the event normally, however it was far to obvious to ignore the agitated aura that was radiating off their leader. They didn't know whether he was agitated to murder you, speak to you or seeing how several guys flocked towards you didn't sit well with Hisoka.

They weren't sure what feelings, if any, dwelled within the pits of his heart for you, but something about seeing you was triggering him. And not in a good way.

The others wanted nothing more than to merely greet you but they wouldn't dare double cross Hisoka. However that didn't stop Orihime.

''Hey Y/n! Mind if I steal you for a bit?" The ginger beamed in excitement.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now