Chapter 9

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Spending the whole day together - eating, watching movies, attempting to play in his pool and talking, time had aged just before sunset. Maleeka had told you already that 'after school' she would be at her friends house - but would be back before supper. If only you knew where your daughter was and with whom she was spending time with.

''I guess I should be going home now huh? Do you think you could drop me off or get one of your guys too? I am a bit afraid to walk home by myself when it's dark.'' Maleeka politely asked.

Looking down at her briefly, Hisoka smoothly pulled his keys out of his pocket, not giving the question a second thought. 'I'll drive you.'' He simply replied, walking towards the door.

With a silent drive to your house, Hisoka turned off his car lights as his stomach turned at the sight of you through the window. You had your earphones on, tight high ponytail, dressed in summer nightwear. It seemed you just came out the shower, he could tell because he remembered how you looked fresh out the shower with rosy cheeks, you were in your rawest and purest form. Naturally beautiful.

He couldn't help but subtly smirk at seeing you wear glasses for the first time. How did you still pull it off and look good? You looked like the same 18 year old girl he spent time with, but at the same time you looked elegantly matured. Stress, sleepless nights, illness nor physical aging couldn't strip away that incomparable beauty you possess. How oblivious he was to your beauty throughout childhood and high school. Well, apart of him always knew you were pretty, but he would never bother with you because he knew you weren't easy. Guys only get with girls they knew they had a shot with anyways. But what caught his eye the most, was the fact you still wore the choker he gave you to wear and  instructed to never take it off at the dance. Through all the issues, you still had it on..

How he wished he could of spent his entire schooling life being with you.

''That's my mom.'' Maleeka informed, noticing that Hisoka was staring at you.

Slowly closing his eyes, ''Figured as much.'' He played along.

''You sure you don't want to meet her? I mean she's a bit socially awkward around guys but if you can get passed that she's pretty awesome.'' She teased through her light chuckle, simultaneously making Hisoka huff amusingly.

Peeling his eyes off you, he averted his gaze to his first born. ''Socially awkward around guys?" He repeated to get an elaboration on that. Of course he had to know.

''Yup! My mother cannot talk to guys to save her life. I know a lot of guys hit on her because she is beautiful after all, but she either rejects them or forgets how to respond to them. However, I think most of the time she's too busy to fit anyone else in her life.'' She replied.

Hisoka won't lie, apart of him was relieved that you haven't been with anyone else but him. He was never truly worried, but he did fear that over the years you did move on. It felt comforting to know he wasn't the only one that hasn't been with anyone else since that day he kicked you out.

Although he was a notorious player and tended to distract his emotions with random women, after you, Hisoka could not mentally and physically give any girl his time. One could fool themselves and assume that it was because of how busy he got, but the fact remains - he just wasn't interested in other women anymore. Everyone his eyes landed on looked horrendous, The Joker was just not about that life anymore.

''Why can I hear a sad undertone in your voice?" Hisoka skilfully detected upon listening to his daughter's words.

Sighing deeply, '' 'Cuz, I want my mom to have someone in her life. Not for me, but for herself. I notice how she stares at couples with longing in her eyes. I can see that she wishes to have company - companion-''

''Companionship.'' He aided.

''Yes that word. I can see she would like that.'' She ended off, leaving the both of them to fall in deep silence.

Watching the trees sway gently, Hisoka couldn't help but resist asking a question he was dying to know for years. He had no right to ask, but he just had to put his mind at ease.

''Has your mother ever mentioned anything about your father Maleeka?" He finally asked, hoping this won't be an awkward conversation.

Two pairs of glowing golden eyes staring at each other, Maleeka nodded curtly. ''Only once. All she told me was that he is a great guy whom made her unbelievably happy and that I should never hold it against him for not being with us all these years. I could tell there was pain in her eyes when she spoke about him, so I never brought it up again. '' She truthfully confessed.

Hearing that, Hisoka's insides couldn't help but drop and twist several times.

You spoke good about him even though he treated you like trash..Of course you would. Possessing a mean bone in you was impossible.

Till this very day it seemed you still tried to see the good in people and refused to speak ill of others.

Opening the car door, Maleeka held his gaze once more with a sweetly honey warm smile, sparkles reflecting off her eyes.

''And I agree with her. I can now understand why she fell in love with him and was insanely happy with him. You are a great guy Hisoka.''

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now