Chapter 20

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Parking a few metres behind the black van Hisoka spotted infront of the school, he briskly walked towards it. Pulling out his silent gun from his pocket.

He wasn't going to even bother wasting time. Kill. Move on.

Shooting the handle, he violently opened the van and shot all the men dead within a few seconds. Ignoring the pool of blood forming inside, Hisoka rummaged through their pockets, looking for a phone to give him some idea of who hired the hit. Finally, he came across a phone. Specifically a burner phone which would be near impossible to trace back, however there was no need too, because Hisoka recognized this number.

"Damn bastard." He mumbled, gritting his teeth and clenching his fist unbelievably hard. Destroying the phone.

"I should of known." Hisoka added, getting into his car aggressively.

Going onto his phone, he typed on their group chat. "I want everyone to meet me at my house. Now. No excuses." Sent.

With a stoic but pissed off facial expression, Hisoka leaned against the bonnet of his car - waiting for everyone to come.

"What's this about Hisoka?" Sabastian asked concerndly.

Not replying, Hisoka merely kept his eyes closed. Sabastian could clearly see he was upset, trying to get him to talk would make it worse.

After a few more minutes passing, everyone eventually arrived, a bit on edge from Hisoka's sudden request to meet him and the obvious murderous aura he was emitting.

Still refusing to say anything, Hisoka merely walked to the back of the mansion, entering the basement through the outside door camouflaged by shrubs.

Motioning all the members to walk in before him, Hisoka locked the door behind him.

"Brah what the fuck is going on?" Grimmjow whispered to Uta. Whom only shrugged in response. Grimmjow knew better than anyone, that Hisoka only comes down here when there's someone to kill - of course he would feel anxious. Not to mention Akira, the woman that not cooked for Hisoka, but cleaned up after him was in here.

Hisoka slowly trailed to the wall of weaponary. Leaning against the table, Hisoka crossed his arms and closed his eyes stiffly.

"What's this about Hisoka?" Illumi asked, breaking the tension-filled silence.

Exhaling deeply, Hisoka's devilish eyes remained close.

"We all have known each other for over 20 years. Grew up together as kids. Developed friendships. And even though we never verbally say it, we became family." The Joker finally began talking.

"In the business we are in, loyalty to each other is everything. Without loyalty this gang falls apart. Isn't?" Hisoka questioned. Oozing off smooth but deadly aura.

Hearing Hisoka say things like that and feeling his sinister aura smother the basement, some of them couldn't help but feel uncomfortable being with him in the same room.

"That's right." Grimmjow, brave enough, answered.

"So." He abruptly paused. Opening his predator eyes - glaring at each individual with rage.

"Can anyone tell me why they thought it was a good idea to betray me?" He asked with a threatening undertone.

Shocked and disbelief glances were being passed around, Hisoka slowly started to circle everyone - dragging a thin metallic pole behind him. Creating an extremely uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Hisoka what are you talking about? No one here would ever betray each other, yet alone you." Grimmjow spoke again. More confused than intimidated at this point.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now