S1 Chapter 7: A Huge Loss

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Y/N tried to hook his ODM Gear to a tree, but the hook of the wire was missing. Y/N could only think that his wire snapped.

"Damn it! Why now!" Y/N punched the ground

Y/N looks at the Female Titan that was kneeling and Eren who was charging towards her.

Y/N looks at Petra for a second and he started removing his maneuver gear. He removed Petra's cape and jacket and he started unbuckling her maneuver gear.

"Hurry..." Y/N said

When Y/N removed Petra's maneuver gear, Eren and the Female Titan were now fighting. Eren was losing and the Female Titan seemed to be more efficient using her Titan.

"Damn it... Eren's losing..." Y/N said in a low voice while equipping Petra's maneuver gear

"There!" Y/N shouted after he finally equipped the maneuver gear.

He quickly jumps towards Eren and hooks his maneuver gear on his head.

"Eren! Buy us some time, but don't fight too much! We'll wait for Captain Levi to return and we'll get out of here! Petra is alright! I still need to find Lilith and bring them both to a safe place!" Y/N said

"I'll be back in a minute!" Y/N shouted and he swinged away from Eren

Eren nodded at Y/N and the Female Titan tried to kick Eren, but Eren blocked it.

"I have to hurry..." Y/N said

"Where was she again..." Y/N looked around for Lilith

When he looked at his right, he saw Lilith trying to stand up.

"Lilith!" Y/N shouted

Y/N landed beside Lilith and help her stand up.

"Lilith! Are you alright?" Y/N asked

"Yeah..." Lilith said

"That's a relief then. Get Petra out of here and look for Captain Levi! Tell them it's only me and Eren fighting the Female Titan and the rest of Levi Squad was wiped out." Y/N said

"O-Okay! But what about you?" Lilith asked

"I'll fight it until the reinforcements arrive." Y/N said

"Quick! While Eren is..." Y/N stopped speaking


"H-Hey, Y/N! Calm down!" Lilith said

"This is bad... Y/N can't think right when he's nervous... or scared... Did something happen there...?" Lilith said in her thoughts

"Lilith! Go now! I'll tell Eren to retreat with the both of you!" Y/N said

"S-Sure... Where's Petra-chan then?" Lilith asked

"She's right there! I'll be going back to Eren now!" Y/N shouted and he went back to Eren

"Eren... Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay..." Y/N said in his thoughts while panicking

When he got there, Eren was trying to punch the Female Titan, but the Female Titan just kept dodging his hits.

Eren tackled the Female Titan on the ground and Y/N dashed past the Female Titan and sliced the ankles of the Female Titan.

Y/N then returned to Eren nape and cut it out. He pulled Eren out of the Titan, confusing Eren.

"Y/N-san!" Eren was surprised

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