[0.1|I don't trust you, you know, not at all.]

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      ‹› "Lydia Martin if you don't be here in 5 seconds to welcome your favorite cousin I'm going to go back to New York!" Ophelia yelled as she put her luggages on the ground. Lydia started walking downstairs.

          "Yeah, definitely my favorite cousin, because I only have one!" Lydia said as she walked to her. Ophelia stared at her a while. "Oh Lydia you didn't change at all, well, did you gain weight?" She rolled her eyes at her and shook her head.

          "Keep talking and you'll be alone rest of your high school year!" she said, Ophelia laughed at her. "Honey you know I'll take all of your friends if I want to. But believe me I don't need your little friends."

          "Okay enough of being mean. Come on, we're going to take Allison. Allison and I have a group date and you're coming with us. I'll tell you about this town and believe me it's weird." she said and grabbed Ophelia's hand, started pulling her out of the house. "Hey but I'm hungry, come on, ugh I hate you!"

          "I love you too, Elia!" she said and got into her car, so Ophelia did the same thing but she made her sit at the backseat, front seat was Allison's. "Well tell me now. What's this town's mystery?"

          "Well, we have supernatural creatures." Lydia said as it was the the most normal thing, Ophelia looked at her for a while. When she saw that serious look on her face, young Martin girl started laughing. "Yeah Lyds that was funny. Now tell me the truth."

          "I'm serious, Elia. My last boyfriend was a kanima. He had a lizard tail and venom. Believe me that was weird."

          While she was driving to Allison's house, she informed Ophelia with all of these supernatural stuff. The fact that werewolves were real made her scared a little bit. If werewolves were in Beacon Hills, they could've been in New York either, so her mother was right, she thought. She always told Ophelia that supernatural was real but she always thought that she was crazy. After the attack to the hospital her mother was working, she started acting more weird which led Natalie Martin to make Melanie Martin, Ophelia's mother, lock up in somewhere named Eichen House.

          When Lydia stopped the car, Ophelia looked around to see that Argent girl. When Allison left her house, Ophelia immediately jumped off from the car and ran to her. "OH my GOD! Allison I can't believe that it's you!"

          "Phelia oh my God are you Lydia's cousin?! I thought I would never see you again!" Allison said and hugged her tightly. Lydia was confused that these two girl knowing each other. She watched them from her driver seat. "Yeah you left New York without saying a word, I thought you were dead!"

          "You wish, honey!" Allison said and they finally stopped hugging, they pulled themselves apart. "How's Mr. and Mrs. Argent? I should say hello to them!" Ophelia said with a smiley face but then she realized that Allison stopped smiling. "Did I say something wrong? What happened babe?"

          "My mother's dead. She killed herself after got bitten by an alpha." Allison said but then smiled. "But it's okay, we have a code."

          "What code? Oh wait you're an Argent, that hunter family Lydia told me! Okay, okay. Now let's get in the car before Lydia kills us." Ophelia said and opened Allison's door. "Ladies first."

          "Oh Phelia you're so sweet..." Allison said, laughed and got into the car. The young Martin went back to her backseat. Lydia started driving the car while talking with Allison and Ophelia.

          "How do you two know each other?" Lydia asked curiously. She didn't like the idea of her cousin just stole her best friend that quick. "Ophelia and I were in the same high school before I came here. We were really close." Allison answered. "When I learnt that your last name was Martin I thought about you two being relatives but I couldn't find any common physical properties so I thought it was just a coincidence."

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