[1.10|Do you really think he'll choose you over Lydia?]

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          Ophelia opened her eyes in Eichen House's basement, slowly stood up from the ground she was laying. "What the fuck..." she muttered while trying to understand where she was. That moment, she realised that it was the same place she was there with Stiles, the night he was missing. 

          "I'm sorry if I scared you... I didn't know what else to do so I just found a way to call you." Stiles said as he walked from darkness. "Stiles?" Ophelia asked to be sure, Stiles nodded and walked to her. His eyes were watery and filled with sadness because of the things he did when Void was in control. "How?"

          "You're in my mind right now, or I am in your mind I don't know either. I just know that you have to warn them. He is planning something worse and I don't want you to get hurt. No matter what, don't talk with him. Don't stay alone with him."

          "I'll never! Stiles, please promise me you'll do everything just to get rid of him. For all of us. I know you can."

          "I have to go, Ophelia. I'm sorry it had to be this way. Do whatever needs to be done. Even if it means me dying. Do whatever you can." Stiles said and pulled Ophelia for a kiss, Ophelia closed her eyes just before the kiss but then there was no kiss. She opened her eyes when she felt cold, she was in preserves, not knowing where she was exactly. 

          "Hey, you must be Ophelia." Ophelia immediately turned her back only to see a woman with dark onyx eyes, raven hair and porcelain skin standing behind her. She almost looked like a vampire because of how white was her skin. "Yeah and you are..?" 

          "Oh, pardon me. I'm Vivianne. Vivianne Mikaelson. The first werewitch hybrid. I became so excited when I heard there was a werewitch hybrid in Beacon Hills and I couldn't wait to come so I just went into your head- Sorry if it sounds rude but I did it because we can do it!"

          Ophelia just stared her face in completely blankness. She didn't know what werewitch was and she didn't know how old was Vivianne because she looked pretty young. "Hey, I'm here to teach you how to use your abilities! First of all, don't flash that blue eyes to everyone honey. You don't know how to use your werewolf side yet so you shouldn't show them."

          "How old are you..?" Ophelia asked, obviously not listening Vivianne. "God this new generation sucks! Don't you know you should listen someone when they're talking? I look 19 but I was born in 1703, by the way. Long time, huh? But I died in explosion and then resurrected and died again! So, yeah. You're talking with dead person right now but don't freak out! It's one of your abilities!"

          "I- I need to leave. I need to save my friends. They need me. I need to go."

          "They'll die if you don't stay and learn how to control your abilities! You're the most powerful creature in this whole world right now and you just need to learn how to control." Vivianne said, waiting a response from Ophelia but there was nothing. "God our time is ticking! Do you want to learn or not?!"

          "I should go... They need me..."Ophelia muttered seconds before she woke up. This time, she opened her eyes in her own room. Just in time, her phone started ringing. She took it and answered the call without looking at it. "Ophelia, Lydia said that they found Stiles in the middle of the parking lot and they're taking him to my house right now. You have to come." Scott said, Ophelia hung up the phone before she said anything and she quickly put on something, grabbed her cars keys and ran out of apartment to go to Scott's house.

          After a long time in car, she immediately parked as Lydia and Aiden arrived with Stiles too. They took him inside together and replaced him on couch. "What happened to him?" Ophelia asked to Lydia and Aiden, who brang Stiles. "I SAID WHAT HAPPENED TO STILES?!" Ophelia asked again but this time Melissa interrupted her. "Guys, this is crazy. He needs to be in the hospital." 

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