[0.12|I always had the feeling that you were the one I needed most.]

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         › Allison's face was pale as she was the first of the three to open her eyes. Still in the steel bathtub, Allison awakened with a gasp as she leaped forward out of the water. In seconds, other two opened their eyes and leaped forward out of the water. They all gave them blankets to warm up. "I saw it. I know where it is." Scott said to his friends and Deaton. "We passed it. There's-there's a stump... this huge tree-- well, it's not huge anymore, it was cut down-- but it's still big, though! Very big!" Stiles said exasperatedly. "It was the night we were looking for the body--"

          "Yeah, the same night you were bitten by Peter." Stiles said, their friends were looking at them like they were crazy. "I was there, too, in the car with my mother. We almost hit someone." Scott turned to Allison. "It was me-- you almost hit me. We can find it." Scott said and everyone stayed silent for a minute. "...What?" said Allison, breaking the silence. "You guys were out a long time..." Isaac said while looking at Ophelia, who just opened her eyes to the noise. "How long is a long time?" Stiles said, didn't even realized Ophelia was just woke up. "...Sixteen hours." Deaton said, Scott widened his eyes. "We've been in the water for sixteen hours???" Ophelia yawned as she looked at her phone. "And the full moon rises in less than four." she said to them. "I need to go to Deucalion." Scott said as he made a movd to go but Stiles stopped him. "No, dude-- you are not going back with them." Stiles said. "I made a deal with Deucalion--" Scott talked but Stiles interrupted him. "Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?"

          "Why does it matter, anyway?" Isaac asked, Ophelia joined Isaac with nodding. "Because I still don't think that we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott said. "Bullshit." Ophelia muttered. "He trusts you more than anyone-- tell him he's wrong." Allison said as she looked at Deaton. "I'm not so sure he is... Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align with people you'd normally consider enemies."

          "So, we're gonna trust him-- the guy that calls himself Death, Destroyer of Worlds--" Ophelia started but stopped by Isaac. "Yeah, we're gonna trust that guy?" Deaton shook his head. "I wouldn't trust him, no. But, you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait." Suddenly, they heard front door's opening sound, Ethan appeared. "I'm looking for Lydia." he said, Lydia immediately turned to him. "What do you want?" Lydia asked, Ethan sighed. "I need your help." And suddenly, Stiles jumped into their conversation. "With what?"

          "Stopping my brother and Kali... From killing Derek." Ethan said, interrupted by Ophelia this time. "There's no way I'm sending my cousin alone to there." she stepped forward. Even though she was angry at Lydia, she wasn't going to let them do anything bad to her. Eventually Lydia was her family. "It doesn't matter if I'm angry at her. I'd rather killing her on my own instead of that bitch killing her, aka Kali. So if Lydia's coming, I'm coming too."

          "My bike is for only two. I can't fit 3rd person." Ethan said, "Oh." Ophelia whined, walked over to him, went into his pocket, took his keys and hit his chest gently. "Okay, you'll walk." she said and turned to Lydia. "Are you coming or not?" Lydia nodded and turned to her friends. "I'll text you guys if something goes wrong." Lydia said and left animal clinic with Ophelia, Ethan groaned and decided to run, left there immediately. "Are we sure that Ophelia knows how to ride a bike?" Stiles asked, Isaac turned to him in a little bit anger. "She's from New York. She probably knows how to ride a bike." Isaac said, Stiles turned to his friends. "Let's find our parents."

          After Ophelia and Lydia's quiet road trip, they went into Derek's loft. Ethan immediately started talking while Lydia and Ophelia was looking at each other. "I hope you know that I'm just here to prevent someone killing you before I do. Because when this shit ends, I'm going to kill you. You broke the big rule. You broke the one rule." Ophelia hissed at Lydia. "Kiss Aiden and make it equal." Lydia muttered, Ophelia rolled her eyes at her. "We know about the lunar eclipse, so don't think Kali's gonna sit around waiting for it to level the playing field. She's coming, and my brother's coming with her." Ethan said to them, Peter clapped his hands to show that it was time to leave. "Good enough for me. Derek?" he said while looking at him, caused Derek to scoff. "You want me to run?"

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