[1.8|I think I like Stiles Stilinski a little too much.]

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          "This is a really bad plan." Scott muttered as Lydia explained them their plan to get Shugendo Scroll. "It's not that bad..." Lydia muttered, Ethan slowly shook his head. "It's not that good!"

          "None of us knows the route they're going to take. If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armored car, then we can follow it. So, when it gets here--" Lydia started but interrupted by Aiden. "--We attack em?" 

         "No. Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident. And, when the driver gets out to help--" Lydia said just to get cut by her own cousin, Ophelia. "--They attack 'em!"

           "No!" Lydia and Allison shot her down simultaneously. "You'll distract him, and Scott will break open the back door." Lydia continued as she looked at twins. "...I hope." Scott muttered, Ophelia turned him in anger. "What? You're a freaking alpha, Scott. What means 'I hope'? You don't have any other choice. You do it or do it." Scott didn't answer her back, he knew he had no other choice and he understood why Ophelia was that angry. She was worried for Stiles. She was worried that she was going to lose Stiles before she could even says she loves him. 

          "And you'll get Katashi's finger." Lydia finished telling their plan, only to realise that Ethan is really a puppy sometimes. "It's not his actual finger, is it?" Ethan asked, Lydia scoffed annoyedly. "You are so out of our league."

          "Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?" Ethan asked, Scott scoffed at him. "Because, if he gets caught, then it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence." Allison nodded and spoke. "Guys, this is going to work. We can do this. We're losing Stiles... My dad's in jail for murder... We need to do this." Ophelia nodded and made a move to leave Argent apartment. "Come on, we have Stiles to save. I'm not going to lose him over something stupid like that. We're not going to lose him over that Nogitsune thing."

          Aiden shook his head in disbelief, he didn't believe that they would success. It was not the best plan and it wasn't genius at all. "It doesn't make sense, what if it doesn't work? What if he doesn't have the scroll?" Aiden asked, Ophelia was already getting angry. "Look, Aiden. I don't care about your thoughts but we need you two right now so just shut the fuck up and listen to me. I can sense every little feeling he's sensing right now and it HURTS! Knowing that he's in pain and there's nothing I could do is killing me and I can't take it anymore! He's scared right now and we have to do our best to save him. So if you're not going to help, don't waste our time."

          "I'm in." Ethan spoke before his brother. "We did worse when we were alphas." Aiden nodded and put his hand on Ophelia's shoulder to be supportive. "Yeah... We killed one of your friend when we were alphas. Now let us save one." Aiden said but it was not good at all. Ophelia suddenly grabbed Aiden's throat and threw him to wall, squeezed him between her and wall. "Don't ever talk about Boyd or I'll rip your head off of your shoulder and throw it away to woods that no one can find it." 

          "Um, okay enough violence for now. Let's use our strength on taking Shugendo scroll." Scott said and pulled Ophelia back from Aiden, he had no idea how Ophelia was stronger than Aiden. He didn't learn Ophelia was Peter's daughter yet or Ophelia had glowing blue eyes. Just as they stayed quiet, suddenly Ophelia fell Scott's hands completely unconscious. 

          She opened her eyes in school corridor, it was nearly night. She walked to locker room slowly, she followed Stiles' voice. "Stiles? Where are you?" She shouted in dark. She continued walking, she was trembling. Once she went into locker room, she lost her control. "Hey. Hey! Hey! Hey, let me out! Let me out! Let me out!" Stiles was screaming in a locker. Ophelia was just standing in front of now closed door, trying to make a sound but it was nearly impossible. It was like something stole her voice, she couldn't speak. "Let me in." Nogitsune said, he was walking to Ophelia right now. "What... What do you mean?" Stiles muttered, Nogitsune was so close to Ophelia right now. "You know."

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