[0.7|Because he's deeply in love with Lydia.]

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        › "And does anyone know where Dr. Hilyard is?" Melissa shouted to reception desk, no one answered her. She turned her back and saw that Ophelia and Scott brought food for her. "Oh, thank God! I'm starving." she said but then realized Ophelia. "Oh my God Ophelia you look so beautiful, what happened to you at New York?" she said and pulled Ophelia for a hug.

          "And you look beautiful as always, Melissa! I missed you so much!" she said while hugging Melissa. Melissa always loved Ophelia like her daughter, Melissa was Ophelia's confidant back then. When they pulled apart from each other, Melissa turned to Scott. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you for bringing me dinner." she said and grabbed the dinner from Scott. Scott smiled at her but then realized the crowd in hospital. "Is everything okay?" he asked while walking with her. "Except for half the accident victims in a ten-car pile-up being rerouted here from downtown, and the ER attending not answering any of his pages... Yeah, I'm okay." Melissa said and went to a patient who called her.

          "What does not answering pages mean?" Scott asked to Ophelia, caused Ophelia to giggle. "It means that nobody can find him, so now they have to wait for the on-call to get here." Ophelia explained, Scott nodded as he understood. "Okay, how much longer on Dr. Hilyard?" Melissa asked to a nurse, caused her to turn to Melissa. "Ten minutes."

          Scott sat beside the woman just her mother talked, she was in pain. "Uh, you know, I think that I read online that sometimes human contact can help with the pain..." he said, woman smiled at him and gave him the permission. He touched his arm and took away his pain as Ethan rushed into the ER with Danny on his shoulder. "Someone! Someone help me! Oh, I need help!"

          Melissa immediately ran to Danny and made him sit. "Okay, gentle! Gentle! Gentle!" she shouted. "What did you do to him?" Ophelia hissed while they were standing beside Danny as Melissa was checking him. "Nothing! He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing, but it just kept getting worse..."

           "This is not good." she mumbled. "How much longer on Dr. Hilyard?" she shouted this time, no one from reception answered her. "His larynx has shifted to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax." Melissa continued, Scott and Ophelia looked at each other Suddenly, Danny stood up and threw up. "Mistletoe." Scott mumbled while looking at the puddle Danny created, Ophelia nodded at him. They made Danny lie on the stretcher and took him to the emergency room.

          "Can you three please go back to the waiting room?" Melissa said to teens, they all shook their head, saying no quietly. "Where are the nurses and doctors? Where is everyone?" Ethan asked, he was worried about his boyfriend. "It's a full house tonight-- they're tending to other patients." Melissa explained. "Okay, well, Mom, how can we help?" Scott asked, Melissa shook her head. "Honey, you can't. His lung is collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity, so--"

          "He's going to die, isn't he?" Ophelia asked, she was upset because she loved Danny. He was her friend and they were pretty close. "No. No, he's not." Melissa said and turned to Scott. "Scott, you grab the tape. Ophelia, grab those scissors and cut his shirt open."

          "Okay." Melissa said after they did what Melissa told them. "Mom, he's not breathing." Scott said, he was scared. "I know. I know." Melissa said and stabbed the needle the place she knew it was right. "Okay, here we go..." she said and drew the water into syringe. After a few seconds, Danny opened his eyes. "Thank you..."

          Scott and Ophelia watched Melissa in amazement and Melissa realized it. "What?" she asked while smiling. "That was awesome." Ophelia said. "It was no problem. You know, I mean, it wasn't a big deal." Melissa said, Ophelia went and hugged her. "You're a hero, Melissa. Just like you were when I was a kid."

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