[0.5|Stelia all the way.]

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          "Yo, Scotty!" Stiles said to Scott, who was literally in pain because of his wound. "Hey, yo! Scotty? Still with me?" he asked again. "Yeah, sorry. Uh, what's the word?" Scott asked. He was in pain but still studying on words. Anachronism." Stiles said. Scott thought a bit and then remembered."Something that exists our of its normal time."

          "Nice! Okay, next word-- incongruous." Stiles asked again. He was so tired of this thing but he was still doing it for Scott, for his best friend. "Uh, can you use it in a sentence?" Scott asked. Stiles thought a minute. "Yes. Yes, I can! It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now, on our way to some stupid cross-country meet, after what just happened. Incongruous."

         "Out of place, ridiculous, absurd." Scott said. Stiles nodded. "Perfect. Okay, next word. Um... Darach. Darach. It's a noun?" he said. Scott stared at him for a while. "We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for, like, five hours, so why not?" Stiles said and sighed, no answer from Scott.

          "Next word... Intransigent." Stiles said and stared at Ophelia for a while. "Stubborn, obstinate..." Scott said painfully. "Oh, buddy, you okay?" Stiles asked but he knew he wasn't okay. "We shouldn't have come. I knew it-- we shouldn't have come."

          "We had to. There's safety in numbers." Scott said and he immediately caught Ophelia's attention, who should've been sleeping right now but of course listening them. "Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers. It's called a massacre". Ophelia said while turning to them. "Oh God..." Stiles said just as he flinched. "...Or bloodbath... Carnage... Slaughter... Butchery..." Ophelia continued just before Stiles shut her up. "Okay, that's enough. How do you know that much word oh my God." Stiles asked to Ophelia, she shrugged her shoulders and then they both turned to Scott, who was in pain and it was obvious, Stiles sighed in worry. "All right, I'm telling Coach that--"

          "No, no, no, no, I'm all right." Scott stopped Stiles, Ophelia rolled her eyes. She had no idea why she was even there, Allison made her join them to know how's Scott. "Well, you don't look all right! Would you just let us see it? Maybe I don't know lychanthropy but my mother was a doctor, I know human anatomy." Ophelia said to Scott, she was worried about her friend. "I'm okay..." Scott said.

          "Just let her see it, okay?" Stiles hesitated.  "Okay..." Scott sighed and said. Stiles stood up for Ophelia to sit, she sat and raised Scott's t-shirt. "Oh God... Scott are you sure it's healing?" Ophelia said, Stiles tried to look, too. "Oh dude..."

          "I know it's bad, but it's because they're from an Alpha-- it'll take longer to heal." Scott explained. "How come Boyd and Isaac are fine, then?" Stiles asked, that was a smart question. Scot shrugged his shoulder and then shook his head. "I can't believe he's dead...I can't believe Derek's dead."

          "Yeah, I can't believe too. How that happened?" Ophelia asked like she didn't know. Scott laughed slightly. "I saw you and Allison at there, Ophelia. I know you saw what happened." Scott said to her. Ophelia smiled. "Yeah, guess I'm a bad liar."

           "What were you doing at there with Allison? With a crossbow in your hand? Do you know how to use it?" Stiles asked in confusion, Ophelia turned to him. "I was helping her. Yeah, with a crossbow. I was in the archery team in my old school, I was the captain. Any questions?" 

          "Nope. Not at all. Zero. Everything's clear." Stiles said. Ophelia stood up and turned back to her seat, caused Stiles to turn back to his seat too. "The two of you-- back in your seats! Jared, again? Carsick?Every ti-- How do you even get on the bus? Look at me! No, don't look at me! Look at the horizon. Keep your eyes-keep your eyes on the horizon. McCall, not you, too?" Ophelia heard coach's voice while she was trying to sleep.

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