Chapter 1

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is April 14th, 2021. IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT BOOK: THANOS DOESN'T EXIST IN THIS. LOKI IS PURELY DRIVEN BY HATE IN AVENGERS, NOT TORTURE. Had to put that out there. Do not worry about Thanos!! Because this book focuses on Dark World and Ragnorak (oh my god do i have to do a series?? like two books-), I'll be skimming over Avengers, but know that both Loki and Y/n fell off the bridge but saved themselves.

battle outfit but you have katanas which i'll display later^^ also the amount of overly sexualised elf warrior outfits was disgusting

"Agent Barton, report," Director Fury demands. Clint Barton, clad in black leather and a bow strapped to his back, repells down to the ground floor of the S.H.I.E.L.D lab. "I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things."

Clint shrugs. "Well, I see better from a distance."

"Are you seeing anything that might set this thing off?" Fury asks, jabbing to the Tesseract.

"Doctor, it's spiking again," a doctor speaks.

"No one's come or gone. It's oven is clean. No contancts, no I.M.'s. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end," Clint explains, crossing his arms and observing the cube.

"At this end?"

"Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? The doors open from both sides," Clint responds casually.

Dr. Erik Selvig types on his keyboard rapidly and the monitor flashes. Suddenly, the Tesseract thunders and shakes the entire facility.The cube glows brighter and emits a ring of light, building like a beam. A gust of light hits the platform and a cloud of smoke opens in a circle, revealing the vat of space, and two figures walk through.

A man and a woman.

A Prince and a Princess.


Sweat dots Loki's and Y/n's head as they assess themselves. She notices the scepter still in Loki's clutch and grins, tilting her head up to survey everyone. 

"Sir, please put down the spear," Fury asks.

Loki glances down at the spear, then up at Y/n, who tilts her chin up in pride. He pulls his arm back and thrusts it forward, sending a blast of energy through the room. Barton throws Fury to the floor. Agents begin shooting rapidly at Loki, but they casually bounce off of him and clatter to the floor. They turn their guns to Y/n, who whips out her katanas strapped to her back and deflects them with lightening reflexes.

Together, Y/n and Loki swiftly kill or disarm all agents in the room, Loki sending energy blasts through the room and Y/n swiftly slicing through them, or conjuring blades and sending them sailing through the air

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Together, Y/n and Loki swiftly kill or disarm all agents in the room, Loki sending energy blasts through the room and Y/n swiftly slicing through them, or conjuring blades and sending them sailing through the air. They pause, and grin to each other, eager to take on the next person to challenge them. It's Clint. He throws himself at Loki, but Y/n grabs his arms and wrenches them behind his back, driving a knee into the small of it and bringing into his knees.

His Villain|| Loki x Reader||Book 1Where stories live. Discover now