Chapter 17

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 15, 2021. I'm on FaceTime with Anna right now and this call is the greatest, most chaotic experience of my entire life. It's been about two, maybe even three hours now and the time difference makes it so that she's in teh afternoon and it's midnight over in Cali.

"Y/n of Alfheim and Loki of Jotunheim. Both cast out by their parents for being inferior and unworthy of the throne. Come, my children, and kneel before your new father. He will protect you and give you comfort," Ebony Maw drawls at the foot of the large warrior's throne.

"What? Yeah, no, I'm not kneeling for anyone," Y/n scoffs.

The warrior half turns around over his shoulder, his eyes gleaming at Loki and Y/n below him.

"Why are we here?" Loki asks. 

"We can help you," Ebony offers again.

"And who says we need your help?" Y/n tests, crossing her arms. 

"You would have died without us."

"We would've found a way," Loki says, slipping an arm around her waist.

"We always find a way," Y/n insists.

"We'll see," the warrior, Thanos, finally says.

"Hear me, and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan...You may think this is It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile, for even in death, you have become Children of Thanos," Ebony Maw coos, looking over the dying people.

Loki and Y/n stand beside the Black Order. They watch Thanos, shrouded in both darkness and light, look out the window on the platform they had been married on mere hours ago.

"I know what it's like to lose," he begins. To feel so desperately that you're right...yet to fail, nonetheless." He lifts Thor by the neck of is breastplate, Thor struggling feebly. "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread from it...destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say...I am."

Thanos holds up his hand to reveal a golden gauntlet on his hand, which hosts the power of a singular stone. An Infinity Stone.

"You talk too much," Thor groans, blood drooling out of his mouth.

Thanos turns to Y/n and Loki. "The Tesseract, or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference."

Y/n freezes, unable to say anything as her vow to Thor swirls around her head. "Oh, I do. Kill away!" Loki says.

Thanos' face expresses surprise briefly before presses the gauntlet to Thor's left temple. The Power Stone glows brightly. Thor screams hoarsely. Loki starts to lose his cool demeanor almost immediately as Thor suffers, and breaks after only a few moments.

"All right, stop!" Y/n roars. "We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard."

Loki glances at her nervously, knowing he's knee-deep in trouble. He lifts his right hand in the air to reveal the Tesseract. "You...really are the worst, brother," Thor groans.

"You fucking bitch," Y/n sobs, anger filling her veins at her now-husband.

Loki's brow furrows with hurt. "I assure you both...the sun will shine on us again."

"Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian," Thanos assures.

"Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. And for another...we have a Hulk."

Thanos looks to his right just as a green and very angry mass slams into him. Loki dives for Thor, grabbing Y/n and pulling both of them out of the way as the Tesseract skitters across the floor, and the Hulk charges Thanos.

Hulk pummels Thanos, forcing him backwards and shoving him into the wall of the ship. Maw stops a henchman from interfering. "Let him have his fun," he says.

Thanos pries the Hulk's hands away; an expression of surprise and fear crosses his green face. Before he has the chance to throw more punches at him, the mad Titan hits him in the neck, and quickly turns the tide of the battle on his favor.

After several hard blows and a knee to the face, Thanos picks up the Hulk and slams him to the deck, defeated. Thor slams a metal bar across Thanos' back to no avail. He is then kicked across the deck by Thanos and is promptly bound in metal debris by Ebony Maw to keep him from interfering further.

Heimdall glances at Thor for a moment before lifting his Hofund and praying. "Allfathers...let the dark magic flow through me one last...time." The Bifrost strikes Hulk, carrying Hulk away. Sadly, the blinding test attracts Thanos' attention.

"That was a mistake."

He borrows a henchman's glaive and stabs Heimdall through the heart, twisting the blade in the wound. Y/n and Thor scream simultaneously, their mourning only growing. "You're going to die for that!" Thor assures before Ebony seals Thor's mouth with scrap broken metal.

He hushes him and kneels before Thanos, offering the Tesseract. "My humble personage...bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones." Thanos takes the Tesseract out of his grip. "The universe lies within your grasp."

From her place on the floor, Y/n spots an axe from a fallen Sakaarian and slowly reaches out, inching over it. She ignores the blatant stinging of blood running in her eye from the cuts on her forehead as they spill over the platform.

Her hand wraps around the base and she begins inching over on her stomach across the platform, pausing whenever someone looks over. Soon, she finds herself behind Thanos. She slowly clambers to her feet, spitting out blood over her tattered and slightly singed wedding dress.

"You. Are not going to tear my family apart," Y/n vows, lifting her axe above her head and bringing it across Thanos' neck harshly. His head topples to the floor in a splatter of purple blood. "None of you are." She lifts her hands, and through the hole that the Bifrost created, sends the rest of the henchman hurtling into deep space to freeze over.

Limping, Y/n walks over to Heimdall's corpse, prying Hofund from his hands. "Bifrost, I pray you give me the power to take my family to Earth," she whispers. A crackle of light flashes through, taking the rest of her family through the contents of time and space. They crash into a wooden staircase.

Y/n flutters her eyes, looking up at a familiar face peering down at her. "Oh. Hi, wizard man."

She promptly passes out, her world going dark.


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