Chapter 21

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 20, 2021. You guys should go ahead and request for my Imagines book! If you want to look at the fandoms I write for (there's actually a lot) go look at my Multi-Fandom Imagines book, or you can DM me, or even put it in the comments right here.

Y/n and Loki walk into the upstairs lounge area of the Sanctum, holding each other's hand. Thor is sitting on the couch with beer, and Val is sprawled over a leather armchair. They both grin at the couple. "So you fixed it, then?" Val asks.

"Yes, he fixed it," Y/n laughs, sitting down on the couch opposite of Thor. Strange sits to their left across from Val. "Now that I'm not seconds away from murdering anyone, you're going to tell me what experiment you want to conduct on me," she says to him.

"Okay, for the record, I am not doing an experiment on you, I simply want your help. I just needed you to use your real power, to which I thank Loki for helping me with," Strange clarifies. "I want to explore the multiverse and different timelines of the reality. I can see all of them, but I want to go to them. Of course, I could steal Pym particles and theoretically jump through quantum realms, but that would be crazy." He glances at the reader and smirks a little before drawing his attention back to Y/n and Loki.

"I think that with our combined powers, we could open portals to explore other realities," Strange finishes. 

"Why would you want to mess with that? If you screw something up, the effects could be cataclysmic, Strange," Y/n says.

"...I have my reasons. And not if we know what we're doing."

"We don't!"

"We could!"

"But we don't!

"Look, Y/n, only we could do this," Strange sighs.

"Why? Why do we need to do this? Isn't there some sort of mythical faction that takes care of the timelines?" Y/n asks.

"Yes, but we're not fixing anything. We're simply...inspecting. Exploring," he says. Strange sighs. "Please?" He gives them his best puppy-dog eyes and Y/n rolls her eyes.

"Fine. Fine, we'll do it," she caves.

"'We'll?'" Strange asks.

"Oh, there's no way I'm not doing this without Loki. Besides, he's powerful too. Having three will be better than two," Y/n says, squeezing Loki's hand.

Strange rolls his eyes. "Fine. I can work with that."

"Of course you can."


"Again, we are just going to open a portal to test things out. We are not going through it," Strange says, adjusting the Sling Ring, as he calls it, around his fingers.

"Where are we going?" Y/n asks. "We can't open a portal if we're all thinking about different places."

"Uh...let's go to the moment you all first crashed here," Strange says. Y/n and Loki nod, widening their stance. She takes deep breath, closing her eyes and drawing her emotions to the pendant, feeling its pulsations grow stronger as she conjures all her emotions. Her anger and her love. She's more powerful that way.

She opens her eyes, which are now glowing red and raises her hands, which emit green whisps. "Okay," she whispers. Strange raises his fingers and draws a sparking circle, which begins spinning faster and fister, a film-looking thing through the middle.

"Blast it," Strange commands. Y/n and Loki both send strong blasts of magic right to the center, the green and the gold mixing. Like oil and water, a diluted image begins coming into view. "It's working." They press harder, the image becoming clearer until they see the front door of the Sanctum. 

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