Chapter 5

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is April 26th, 2021. I literally don't have an intro today, but uh, sorry for the late update! I meant to update last Friday, then didn't, then the weekend swept me up. Love you!


NOTE: pretend shady acres is in atlanta georgia :))

"There were two bodies found," a guard tells Odin, removing his helmet.

"Y/n and Loki," he breathes out, dismissing the guard. He places his head in his hand and lets out a quiet sob.

"Are these tears?" Y/n sneers, stepping out from behind the column, twirling a dagger between her fingers.

"Y/n," Odin gasps, clutching his chest. Loki steps out from behind the throne, grinning at his father. "Loki."

"Hello, daddy-dearest. Missed us?" He asks sarcastically.

"How- how are you-?" Odin stammers.

"Oh, that doesn't matter. What does is that we're reclaiming what's ours," Y/n lilts, slamming her hand beside Odin's head and pushing him back against the throne in fear. 

"Goodbye, Father," Loki whispers, casting a spell over Odin, who collapses into the throne in return.


"Hi! We're here to deliver our elderly father, Edward, to the home today? We spoke previously on the phone," Y/n explains, keeping her hand firmly on Odin's back as her fingers work a spell into the worker's brain, allowing them inside

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"Hi! We're here to deliver our elderly father, Edward, to the home today? We spoke previously on the phone," Y/n explains, keeping her hand firmly on Odin's back as her fingers work a spell into the worker's brain, allowing them inside. 

Loki, sexily clad in his black suit, and her usher Odin into his own bedroom. "I love you, Father. We'll come visit soon, we promise," Y/n says, hugging Odin tightly. She fakes crying quietly as Loki puts an arm around her shoulder and walks her out of Shady Acres Elderly Home.

The further they get, the more the cries turn into laughs. "Oh, that was great!" Y/n howls. Loki hushes her. "Here, I have a friend that lives here, let's go say hi." They turn into an apartment complex and climb up the stairs, knocking on the door of one.

A beautiful girl with sweet cheeks, full black-painted lips, amber-honey eyes, and chains opens the door. She gasps and squeals, picking Y/n up and hugging her tightly. "Y/N!" She exclaims, pulling them in. 

"Hi, Anna!" Y/n gushes. "This is Loki."

"Yeah, I know," she hushes. "It's so good to see you guys, but I really need to use the bathroom, give me a scond."

Loki looks around the apartment, which is decorated with paintings, some of him. He leers at them, raising an eyebrow. "Who is she and what is this place?" He asks, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Anna's an extremely skilled witch, but she lives humbly among the mortals. We met, oh, eons ago," Y/n explains, waving it off. Loki pokes his head into another girl's bedroom, stepping in with curiosity. 

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