Chapter 15

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 14, 2021. I had a really horrible night last night. The worst thing that can happen to you while shifting is sleep paralysis, and I thought I was free, but it turns out I wasn't. When I was a child, I'd have sleep paralysis and night terrors (not nightmares, night terrors are like sleep walking+hallucination) and I didn't think I'd have it ever again.

Maybe I'll lay of shifting for a while? But the amount of angel numbers and 1984s the universe has been sending out is honestly scary. It's everywhere.

Loki and Y/n hop off the rapidly approaching ship onto the Rainbow Bridge, the armed free Gladiators following behind them. "Did you miss me?" Loki asks.

"YES!" Someone yells from the crowd. Y/n spins around and casts a weird look in the direction of the caller before jogging up to Loki again. if you rewatch this scene with the volume up you can actually hear someone say yes

"Everybody on that ship, now," she orders, pointing at it. The Asgardian refugees begin pouring themselves onto the ship as Y/n and Loki push through the crowd to Heimdall.

"Welcome home. I saw you coming," he says, nodding at them.

Loki sighs. "Of course you did."

Y/n's hand flies up, snatching an arrow sent sailing at Loki's head. She turns back and sees a...zombie warrior? Dressed in Asgardian armor? She looks up and sees Hela and Thor fighting. "You bitch!" She sneers before sending a dagger sailing at the zombie. Loki and Heimdall begin engaging in combat again, the gladiators joining them in fending off Hela's encroaching minions.

While they fight, the biggest lightning bolt ever comes down from the heavens and strikes the palace where Hela and Thor were. Loki and Y/n pause, looking up at Thor, who rises about her, electricity rolling off him as his eyes glow white-blue.

 Loki and Y/n pause, looking up at Thor, who rises about her, electricity rolling off him as his eyes glow white-blue

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look at him he's so proud

"Hey. That's our brother," Y/n laughs, nudging Loki. 

"Yes it is," he agrees softly.

"Wanna upstage him?"

"Hell yes."

Before they can do literally anything, Valkryrie sails out of her ship in her armor, fireworks going off from the Commodore parked behind her. She swaggers onto the bridge, Dragonfang in one hand, as her hair swings behind her. "Damn," Y/n whispers before she can stop herself. Loki glares at her and swats the back of her head. "OW!"


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