Chapter 16

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 16, 2021. Anna and I are literally about to FaceTime each other and I can't tell you how good it's gonna be to talk to my best friend face to face for the first time- ANYWAYS  M A R R I A G E 

"M-married? Right now?!" Y/n stammers. 

"Yes, of course! No better day than the present!" Thor exclaims. Loki glances between them, but Val pulls Y/n away and into a seperate room before either of them can say anything else.

Loud clamor is heard from the other room, Korg asking questions about set-up and Loki yelling at Thor about refusing to wear a tuxedo. Oh dear, the sheathing of a knife was heard. "NO STABBING ON OUR WEDDING DAY!" Y/n yells.


"Alright, conjure up a wedding dress or something, witch," Val says, gesturing to Y/n's armor.

"I'm not a witch!" Y/n insists.

"Why do you dress like one?" Val asks genuinely.

Y/n groans and waves her hands over her body, her armor disappearing and being replaced by a deep black gown. "No," Val groans, rolling her eyes.

Y/n stomps her foot, but waves her hands again. This new gown is beautiful. It's an ombre sage color, with a color leading down to drapery over her arms and waist. the bodice is sleek, a well-put together corset with golden embroidery around the neckline. A green sash is tied around her waist and hangs to her feet. Her hair is pinned up into an elaborate pin-up. 

ive had this outfit planned for so long

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ive had this outfit planned for so long

"This good enough for you, Valkyrie?" Y/n asks.

Valkyrie's jaw drops and she nods, composing herself. "Yeah. yeah, it'll work, I guess," she mutters.

"Oh, thank you. You're so good at giving compliments," Y/n says sarcastically. 

"Do you want to tell me that you're hot?!" Val asks.


"You're hot!"

"Thank you! Gods! Was that so difficult?"

Val grumbles in response, mocking her under her breath. "Lady Y/n, are you ready yet?" Thor asks, rapping on the door.

"Yes!" Y/n calls out, adjusting her drapery behind her. The door opens and Y/n findds the remaining Sakaarians and Asgardians arranged in two neat columns, with a clear aisle splitting between them up to the platform in front of the window overlooking space (and sadly, the particles of Asgard). Standing on the platform is Loki, still dressed in his leather armor from the battle, just without the blood stains.

Not that Y/n really minded them.

Thor stands by the door and smiles down at her, taking in her outfit. "How beautiful you look, sister."

"Thank you Thor. Before I marry him, I must do so with a clear conscience," Y/n confesses, bowing her head. "I apolgoize. For everything. For every bit of anguish and pain I have put you through, for every fake death, stabbing, or manipulation. I wish no longer to be that person, only to live bravely by my husband's side, my brother's side, and Asgard's side."

Thor wipes a tear away from her eye and links his arm with Y/n. "All is forgiven, Y/n. It always was and it always will be."

Smiling kindly at him, Y/n looks up the aisle back at Loki, who smiles at her. Val is now standing behind him, Thor behind Loki but to his right. Slowly, Thor and Y/n begin walking up the aisle slowly, focused on each other, and only each other.

Everything, the Asgardians, the Sakaarians, the ruins of their home, the heartbreak, the mourning, the lies, the betrayal, the magic, everything just disappears, and all that is left is two people and their pule, unadulterated love for each other.

Y/n lifts her skirts up as she steps onto the platform. Thor kisses her cheek and stands beside her. Heimdall shifts his stance behind both of them, clearing his throat.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate marriage of Prince Loki of Asgard and Princess Y/n of Alfheim. They found each other many centuries ago, and have stuck by each others side, seperated by nothing, and brought together by everything. They have prevailed through a great many battles...some caused by themselves," Y/n and Loki laugh unshamefully, Thor and Val luckily laughing alongside them. 

The rest of the ceremony passes by quickly, quick and on the nose vows being exchanged. With no rings to give each other, the bond itslef rapidly approaches. "By the power vested in me by the Allfather Odin, I now pronounce Prince Loki and Princess Y/n husband and wife. You may kiss," Heimdall proclaims, stepping back and bowing his head.

Loki's left hand comes around her waist, his right cupping her jaw and cheek as he leans in. His lips linger over her own for a beat before sealing the kiss softly, relishing in his time with her as all else melts away.

 His lips linger over her own for a beat before sealing the kiss softly, relishing in his time with her as all else melts away

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They pull away and smile at each other, unable to fight away the pure elation of their bond any longer. Cheering erupts through the entire frieghter as all citizens clap and smile at the bonded heirs. 

"What do we do now, Thor?" Y/n asks, turning to him.

"I say we go to Earth," he suggests.

Loki takes Y/n's hand, stroking it over with his thumb as they look out over space. "Earth it is, my darling," he says.


Y/n brushes her hair out at the vaity on the ship, watching Thor and Loki chat behind her. "Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?" Loki asks Thor.

"Sure! They love me there," Thor says cheerily.

Y/n glares at Thor in the reflection of the mirror, and Loki sees this, hushing her with a smirk. "Let me rephrase: Do you really think it's a good idea to bring us back to Earth?"

Thor smiles, understanding. He pats Loki on the shoulder. "Probably not. But don't worry, brother...I've got a feeling that everything's going to work out," he assures.

Suddenly, the darkness shrinks away from their chambers as a figure moves in front of it.

A giant warship.

Something that Loki and Y/n know all too well.


yall do NOT kill me because if you think this is the end, then your WRONG! HAHAHAHAHA


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