Chapter 13

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 12, 2021. I finished my Kylo Ren x Reader, The Arrangement, today and I'm a little sad but happy I can focus on this project now!

HUGE QUESTION: (For my two future books) Pick two characters you'd want to read a book about! Sherlock, Bucky, Natasha

"Surprise," Loki drawls out in the living room of Val's quarters. Y/n hears muffled voices from her position in Val's bedroom.

"Where's Y/n?" Thor's rapidly approaching voice says.

Y/n braces herself, using her feet to prop a pillow over herself as she draws her knees to her chest. Thor opens the door with a big grin on his face, then his eyes squint at her before he violently gags and slams the door shut. "Oh, dear god, Lady Y/n!"

love bbc sherlock but come on

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love bbc sherlock but come on...this movie is great

"VAL!" Y/n groans. The woman comes in with a sadistic smirk on her face and unlocks the handcuffs binding her wrists. Y/n rolls her eyes and quickly changes into her dress, stepping out of the room and avoiding Thor's gaze, who stares at her with horror.

She walks over to Loki, who kneels on a stool with chains, and strokes his cheek, to which he nuzzles into like a little kitty. Ha. Loki. Kitty. Lokitty.

Thankfully, his attention is quickly diverted to a long white object on the kitchen counter. "Is that...a Dragonfang?" He asks in awe.

"It is," Val says, popping the cork on another bottle.

Thor draws it, his jaw on his chest. "My God. This is the famed sword of the Valkyrie."

Ignoring him fangirling, Val gets straight to the problem, curling her lip. "Sakaar and Asgard are about as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet is a wormhole just outside the city limits. Refuel on Xandar and be back in Asgard in, 18 months."

"Nope. We're going through that one." Thor points at a nightmarish, black and red tornado wormhole over the ocean of trash with the tip of the Dragonfang. It's kinda pretty. The hole, not the sword. Although the sword would look pretty good on Y/n's belt...

"The Devil's Anus?" Val asks, bewildered.

"Wait, whose anus are we going through?" Banner interuppts, lost.

Thor holds up his finger in protest. "For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it."

"That looks like a collapsing neutron star inside of an..." Banner begins.

"Einstein-Rosen Bridge," Y/n finishes with him, standing beside him as she inspects it. The short man looks at her with shock and fear. She shrugs casually.

"We need another ship. That would tear mine to pieces," Val gestures.

"She's right. We need one that can withstand the geodetic strain from the singularity," Y/n adds.

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