Chapter 18

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 17, 2021. Last night, Anna and I were on the phone for literally 5 hours, and I fell asleep on the phone watching her work (it was late Sunday afternoon when it was late at night on Saturday for me). It was such a chaotic and fantastic call and I love her.

watching miraculous and screaming cause gabriel is just so hot


i finished everything and my heart hurts

The feeling of cold cloth being swiped over Y/n's face stirs her from her slumber. Her eyes open to see herself laying on a twin bed in a dark room. To her left, the bed has sunken a little. She looks over and sees Loki sitting beside her, cleaning her face with a damp washcloth.

Completely disoriented, she's forgotten everything that's happened. Oh. It came back. Her face hardens and her eyes fill with tears as she realizes everyone who was lost. Everyone who was murdered.

All because Loki couldn't keep his hands off of a shiny cube.

"Get away from me," she whispers, pushing him away.


"I don't want to see you," she repeats, blindly wiping away her tears.

"Why not, darling?!"

"Don't darling me! This is all your fault. All of it. If you hadn't stolen that cursed Tesseract, Thanos wouldn't have found us and most of the Asgardians wouldn't be dead! We could've died, Loki! Heimdall died for us! We don't deserve that!" Y/n exclaims, standing up and pushing Loki back. "I don't want to see you."

"But...we just got married," Loki whimpers, utterly heartbroken.

"Congratulations. You managed to fuck up your marriage in less than 4 hours." The door slams in his face. Y/n crumples against the door, weeping silently and she sinks down against it. Loki does the same on the opposite, banging his head against it softly.

She's right. She always was right and always will be. When they were locked in the cell together after they tried to take over New York, his guilt began. She had an idea of pristinity for them and their lives, and he screwed it over for his blood lust. He had that perfect life with her sitting in his hands, and he gave it up for an Infinity Stone.

He picked power over love. That's how Y/n saw it.

He picked power for love. That's how Loki saw it.

Both are wrong.

He tried to pick power and love. He failed.

Eventually, his footsteps are heard receding and Y/n apprehensively opens the door. She's in the Sanctum of that wizard. Looking down at her outfit, her eyes fill with tears. Her wedding dress is completely ruined. It's torn, singed, and stained with the blood of herself and her people.

Y/n closes the door again, realizing her tears are from from finished. She vanishes the gown, and reappears a simple tunic. Green. That's her default. She collapses onto the bed and begins sobbing again, the memories of being forced to watch her people die flashing through her head, the feeling of betrayal when she saw Loki holding the Tesseract flitting through her veins.

An undeniable feeling of absolute rage begins shaking her body, making her sobs more hoarse and throaty. Y/n buries her face deeping in the pillows, fisting the corner of it so hard her knuckles begin turning white. 

"You're very powerful," a voice says. 

Y/n whips around, bolting up in the bed to see the wizard.

"Sorcerer, actually. But you can call me Dr. Stephen Strange." He looks around the room, a look of impression on his face. Only then does Y/n realize that different objects are floating in the air, attached to the tendrils of rage in her mind.

"Sorry," she says, putting them down quickly.

"You're angry," he says in a monotone, seating himself on a stool across from her. She props herself against the wall.

"No shit, Sherlock. All my people are dead and my marriage didn't even last 4 hours," Y/n deadpans. Strange hums. "Are Thor and Val okay?"

"Yes, they're fine. Thor is the worst physically, but you are in the most pain. Mental anguish can often be worse than physical anguish, and you, my dear, are a walking example," Strange comments.

"Gee thanks, I'm so honored you find me reasonable of feeling emotions for my home," Y/n replies sarcastically.

"But it's not your home, is it? Alfheim is," Strange says, peering through her hair at where her ears would be.

Y/n covers them up self-consciously, not sure if he could see through the illusion that masks them. "Alfheim may be where I was born, but it is not my home."

"Why do you cover your ears up? Are you ashamed of being an elf because you were cast out?" Strange asks, ignoring her words and ignoring human decency of a person in mourning.

Y/n glares at him. "I was always bullied for them and insecure about them, so it was easier to cover up."

"Even when you thought yourself above everyone else and tried to take over the world? You weren't proud then?" Strange asks.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you pushing me, Wizard?" Y/n asks, her voice cracking.

"I'm just testing to see how hard I need to push to break you," he says softly.

"You can't. But why would you want to?" Y/n asks, her voice becoming dangerously quiet as a warning, the tips of her fingers emmitting a slight green glow. 

"I believe you are capable of more than you realize. I think your powers could rival my own, surely surpassing Loki. And...I think you know that. You know what you're capable of, but you don't want anyone else to know because you want Loki to feel superior. But that little stunt you pulled in the freighter, weilding Hofund and sending everyone into space, that shouldn't be a power you have. I want to know how you have it," Strange responds casually.

Y/n's eyes widen. How could he have soon through everything? Even Frigga and Odin never realized. Well. Frigga probably did. But she'd never say anything. Maybe that's why she taught Y/n so hard? To try to cultivate her dormant powers. "So you know," she concludes, crossing her arms.

"Partly. You possess part of the liquidated Aether, the Reality Infinity Stone. How?" Strange asks, mirroring Y/n and crossing his arms.

Y/n sighs, knowing she can't get out of this now. "You caught me. I wasn't just cast out of Alfheim because I wasn't good enough to be heir. I was a 'traitor.'" She puts air quotations over her last word. "I was young, as was the universe. Portals and traveling hadn't dwindled or been restricted, and I, a young sorceress, had access to said portals. I found myself on Jotunheim and played with things I didn't yet understand. I came across wisps of the Aether, slowly consuming more power until I found the source. I may have been stupid, but I wasn't stupid enough to know that I, at my experience, would kill myself if I tried to weild it all, so I managed to untether part of it from its source to me."

Even Strange can't mask his utter shock. His eyebrows raise and he runs his tongue over his teeth. "I'll  be damned."


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