Chapter 9

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 5, 2021. alright no frickin judging- happy birthday to sarah!! she's my daughter from fued and because im shifting there tonight in honor of her birthday, i have a lot of motivation to go see her dad. call me crazy or whatever but YEAH IM CELEBRATING THIS BECAUSE MY DAUGHTER OR NOT I CELEBRATE CHARACTERS BIRTHDAYS


Warnings: A lot of implied sexual content and just heavy close to smut...hence Super Freak

i think this is the first time ive ever said that if your a minor, please skip this. it doesnt add to the plot that much and i'd rather not scar you

"Uh...hi?" Y/n says hesitantly, sitting up. She drags Loki up by the lapel of his leather as well. "Who are you?"

"I am the Grandmaster. You have landed on Sakaar, but you two look...way too delicious to be trash. Or a contender," the man, newly named "Grandmaster" says.

"Contender?" Loki asks uneasily as they both get to their feet.

"In my Battle of Champions. But worry not, you will only bet and join me in my party as we watch it," Grandmaster assures with his creepy smile. "But, of course, simply beauty will not earn you this. I will need something else in return."

Y/n and Loki stare at each other. Loki is bold Y/n is italics

Okay, so we know what that means.

Do we?

Loki. Yes, we do.

*sigh* Yes. We do.

Question is, are we willing to do it? Loki eyes the Grandmaster, and Y/n does the same. Grandmaster's eyes flit between them as he blinks at them with his awkward smile. He's not too bad looking. I doubt it would be horrible. Besides, I'll have you.

He looks...decent. And I'll have you as a treat as well.

So we do it?

We do it.

Y/n saunters over to him, running a finger down his robes. "And what could we do for you, Grandmaster?" She asks innocently. Loki walks behind him and puts his arms over his shoulders, extremely close to his neck. They meet gazes behind Grandmaster's head and purse their lips to contain their laughter.

"Hm, well, I can think of a few things," Grandmaster giggles.

"We can too," Loki whispers, his lips latching on his neck.


Y/n rolls off the Grandmaster, panting. She sprawls out on her back, eyes wide at what she just did. Are you okay?

I enjoyed that much more than I should have.

I...I did too.

They make eye contact over the already sleeping Grandmaster and smirk at each other, sweat gleaming off of them from the moonlight streaming in through the open balcony window. Y/n sits up, swinging her legs over the side of the grand bed and rubs her face, laughing lightly to herself.

Looking around the room, she walks to the bathroom, Loki following her. He stands beside her, hands on her arms as he kisses the side of her head. They make eye contact in the mirror and snort. "Stop laughing," Y/n giggles.

"You stop laughing!" He retorts, swatting her. She grabs a towel and gets it wet, giving herself a mini-sponge bath. She passes it to Loki, who does the same. "So much just happened," he sighs. "You did some stuff I never could have thought you would have done. You did so well." He presses a tender kiss to her lips.

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