Chapter 24

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 27, 2021. That moon last night was POWERFUL and fvcked a lot of shiat up for me. I realized my depression wasn't a joke anymore, decided to go to therapy, a fatal car accident happened right outside my window, I had conversations with my comfort characters (?!)...still trying to work that one out.

Please read the end note for important info

Warnings: Doctor's office... :)

Y/n steps through the portal, feeling as light as possible, knowing she's made her Mother happy and is worthy of weilding Mjolnir.

Speaking of Mjolnir, when Y/n looks up, she sees Thor in front of her, eyes as wide as the moon and his jaw on the floor. "You're-you're worthy. My Stars, you're worthy! My sister is worthy!" Thor booms, dropping his beer. He runs over and picks her up, spinning her around in complete glee.

He finally sets her down and she places the hammer in the rightful owner's hands. His eyes water. "I'm still worthy," he whispers.

"Of course you are," Y/n assures, hugging him tightly. "Mother loves you. She's proud of us. Called us failures, but still assured us she's proud," she laughs.

Thor laughs too, wiping a few tears from his eyes. He turns to Loki. "Are you worthy, too, brother?"

Loki laughs nervously, stepping back. "No, I don't think so..."

"Catch," Thor says, tossing it over to Loki. His hand flies up on reflex and catches it midair, holding it just above his shoulder. He goes sheet-white, completely shocked. "You're both worthy," Thor confirms proudly.

Y/n smiles back to him, but it falters at the remembrance of Frigga's words. "I love you all, too. And have fun with that one," Frigga says with a proud smile, poking Y/n's stomach. She turns to Strange. "Can I talk to you?" She asks. "With Loki." He turns and looks at his wife.

Strange nods and takes them to the lounge upstairs right before his bedrooom. Thor and Val are still chattering downstairs, and Wong is meditating in his room on the opposite side of the staircase. 

"What did Frigga mean when she spoke of Loki's and my 'family' and when she poked my stomach?" Y/n asks, dreading the answer she expects. Loki pales, actually registering the words now that he's come out of his happy daze.

"I felt it too...but I wasn't sure," Strange murmurs to himself. 

"Felt what?" Y/n asks in a pressing tone.

"Y/n and Loki, I believe you are expecting a child," Strange says calmly.


There's only been a few times where Y/n has ever felt mortal fatigue such as dizziness, so having the room begin spinning around her and Loki's frantic voice seemingly getting farther away is...odd for her.

"Darling?" Loki asks, pulling her out of her trance with his hands on her shoulders and his emerald eyes on hers. "Are you okay?"

"How can we confirm it?" Y/n asks quietly.

" visiting a gynecologist?" Strange says, becoming more uncomfortable.

"What's that?" Loki asks.

"A doctor that specializes...with women," he says slowly.

"Aren't you a doctor?" Y/n asks.

"Yes, but not in that area."

"Where can I find a...gynecologist?" Y/n says slowly, trying the foreign term out.

"Oh, Jesus," Strange mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I have a friend that can check you out. You won't have to pay for anything, although you should get healthcare soon if you are to live on Earth."

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