Chapter 20

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 19, 2021. I can't believe we're already on the 20th chapter! We've come so far and still have long ways to go. I hope you won't go anywhere until the series is finished! Did I say series? Oops...

Warnings: It gets a little spicy

"Hey, Loki. God of...Mischeif," Strange says awkwardly, standing in the doorway of the room Loki claimed.

"Wizard. What do you want?" Loki asks. He's perches on the edge of the bed, leaning on his knees with his red puffy eyes strained on the floor.

"I need your help," Strange admits.

"With what?"

"I need you to break your wife."

"I think I've already done that."

"Not enough. I need you to really break her. Pick out everything she hates and has insecurities about."

"Why in all the Nine Realms would I do that to her? Why would I voluntarily put the love of my life through that pain?"

"Because she possesses part of the power of the Aether. And she's never told you because she never wanted to upstage you. Because Y/n loves you, Loki, regardless of whatever couple's squabble you two are having."

Loki pauses, taking in the revelation. He did always have some kind of feeling she was holding back."So I need to break her because she loves me?"

"I- No! You need to break her to tap her into her powers."

Loki stands up and presses a knife to the man's throat. "You will not use the woman I love as a weapon to aid you."

"If there's anything I know about you two, you can't be controlled. I'm not going to use her as a weapon, I want friendly with her? I'm not sure, I'm unfamiliar with it, but there is a study I wish to conduct, and I can't do it myself. Not only do I not know enough about the subject I-...I'm not powerful enough," Strange admits.

Loki retracts his dagger and steps back, grinning at him. "Fine. Just because you admitted it, I'll do it."


"What do you mean by 'experiment', Strange?" Y/n asks, sitting up, her magic still glowing around her. She sees the other man. "Stark?"

"Lavagirl," he greets.

"Stop calling me that. I don't have lava powers," she groans, standing up and avoiding Loki, who is still flat out on his back.

"Yes, but after your sweet little visit, I looked up elves. You can control the elements. Fire is one of them. Lava is fire. And seemingly, you have more powers that just making plants grow and playing tricks," he says, leaning against the wall.

Y/n ignores him, rolling her eyes. "What 'experiment', Strange?"

"Nuh-uh. First you've gotta promise you won't kill Loki or me," Strange says, holding up his hands.

"Not sure about that," she growls.

"Do it."

Y/n rolls her eyes. "Fine."

"I needed Loki to break you so efficiently he also breaks all your illusions, and the wall you've built to keep only part of your powers active. I needed you to crumble so you could realize your potential. Then, whenever you've recovered from your mental anguish and you too have had makeup sex, you could help me with a study in a subject I'm unfamiliar with," Strange explains nonchalantly. Tony gags behind him.

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