Chapter 8

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 3, 2021. Can you believe it's already May?? I can't. I'm ending my school year on June 3rd, so I'm literally a month away. Def freaking out because as ASB President, I have to give a speech to my school, most of which absolutely hates my guts. This should be fun.

The three of them stand up and see Odin standing beside a rock overlooking the ocean, dressed in humble Midgardian clothes. They all walk over cautiously, Y/n and Loki extremely timid. "Father?" Thor asks.

"Look at this place. It's beautiful," Odin says airly.

"Father, it's us," Thor reminds.

"My children. I've been waiting for you," he says. Y/n and Loki's head snap at Odin's words, shocked.

"I know. We've come to take you home," Thor says.

Home, yes," Odin hums. "Your mother, she calls me. Do you hear it?"

Thor fires an angry look at Loki and Y/n, who holds up her hands in defense. "Lift your magic," he demands.

Odin turns to Loki and Y/n, who stiffen. But he smiles. "Took me quite a while to break free from your spells. Frigga would have been proud." The two are moved by his gesture, and they look over at Thor who glares at them, anger building in his eyes. Odin places a hand on his shoulder, calming him.

"Come and sit with me. I don't have much time." He sits on the rock, out of breath and weak. Loki sits on his left and Thor on his right, with Y/n standing beside Loki, her hand on his shoulder.

I know that we failed you, but we can make this right," Thor promises.

"I failed you," Odin admits. "It is upon us...Ragnarok."

Thor shakes his head. "No, I've stopped Ragnarok. I put an end to Surtur."

"No. It has already begun. She's coming. My life was all that held her back, but my time has come. I cannot keep her away any longer," Odin explains. A puzzled look crosses everyone's face.

"Father, who are you talking about?" Thor asks.

"The Goddess of Death," Odin responds casually. "Hela. My first born." Y/n places a hand over her mouth, stifling her shocked gasp. Odin faces Thor. "Your sister." Loki can't believe what he's hearing, complete confusion washing over him.

"...What?" Thor asks, heart-wrenched.

"Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her strength from Asgard...and once she gets there, her powers will be limitless," Odin explains, shrugging.

"Whatever she is, we can stop her. We can face her together," Thor swears emotionally.

Odin takes Thor's hand. "No we won't. I'm on a different path now. This you must face alone." He looks deeply into his eyes, struggling to breath. "I love you, my children." He says.

For the briefest of moments, the four of them share a quiet moment together. Y/n looks out over them with her tear-filled eyes and sees different people. A younger Odin. A small Thor. A child Loki looking sick. "Look at that," Odin says, looking out over the ocean. Ethereal sun-rays stream down upon the ocean and the four of them, basking them all in warm light.

"Remember this place. Home."

They all look over to see Odin dissipating into stardust. The Allfather had died.

A moment passes as they all mourn, Y/n covering her mouth with her hands as she cries, severe guilt for her actions overcoming her and twisting her heart and stomach around. The sky above darkens and the wind picks up, whipping the long grass around them around.

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