Chapter 22

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 24, 2021. I'm getting really frickin frustrated at the universe! Not gonna lie! Because the universe WON'T LET ME SHIFT. I DON'T GET SYMPTOMS ANYMORE AND CAN'T HOLD MY FOCUS FOR SOME REASON. Anyways- time travel-

"So our goal is simply to study different timelines? Not to mess with them, but just observe?" Y/n clarifies, her legs swung over Loki's lap. His hands are secured tightly around her ankles, rubbing little circles into them with his thumb.

"Yes. We cannot meddle, because that would cause different timelines to ripple out, causing chaos. We don't want to get the TVA involved in this," Strange says firmly.

"TVA...?" Loki asks.

"Time Variance Authority. They control time itself and keep it neat," Strange explains. Y/n nods, and Loki opens his mouth, about to say something as a low, quiet buzz begins filling his ears, almost like feedback.

"Ok so, observe, yes. TVA, no," Y/n summarizes.


"Cool. So when do we start?" She asks, jumping to her feet.

"Right after you blow some stuff up," Strange says casually.


The Sanctum around them shifts and suddenly bright sunlight blinds Loki and Y/n, who both promplty hiss and shrivel away. They notice grass underneath them and a large structure behind them with a familiar A.

"Oh, shit," Y/n groans, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Well, well, well. We meet again, Princess," Steve Rogers says, settling his fingers ins. Y/n lifts a hand up from its place on her knee and flips him up, rolling her eyes back into her skull. "Good to see you, too," he mutters.

Y/n and Loki straighten up to see Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Thor, Val, a dark man and woman, who present themselves as Sam and Shuri, a red man, and a small woman all standing on the grass, assuming different positions. "You can stop pretending you're on 'America's Next Top Model'," Y/n snorts, placing her hands on her hips. She points at Strange. "Strange, you've gotta stop doing that, dude. Not cool."

He shrugs and stands beside Tony, who sneers at him. "I was told we were allowed to blow something up? Are you all our target practice?" Loki asks.

"Ha. Funny. No, we're here to make sure you don't kill someone, blow up base. Again. Or, try to take over," Tony directs. Y/n hums, rolling her eyes again.

"And help you train your powers," the small woman says in a slight accent. Sokovian, Y/n thinks. "I am Wanda." They shake hands and Y/n feels a slight buzz between them.

"What's your power?" Y/n asks.

"I-The Mind Stone," Wanda responds.

"Fun. I have the Reality Stone," Y/n responds, winking. Wanda's eyes grow wide and she smiles a little to herself. Y/n senses she feels peace at someone with similar powers to her own.

"Wait, what?!" Clint exclaims. "You were like, just a witch!" 

"Sorceress. Get it right."

"Yeah, right, sorry," he says sarcastically. Y/n glares at him and sends loud feedback into his hearing aids. He yelps out in pain and throws them down. "Hey!"



"Same thing, ladies. It doesn't matter," Steve says.

"Oh gods, can we please just start? I don't want to spend any extra time with you lot than I have to," Loki groans.

Tony taps a function on his arm, with has part of the suit, and about a dozen plush dummies roll out on wheels and line up. "Go on. Blow stuff up."

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