Chapter 12

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 11, 2021. I find it funny that my current Kylo Ren x Reader, The Arrangement, is ending so quickly when we have ages to go here. And I mean ages. Like, almost infinite realities... *evil laughter*

Loki leans against the headboard of their chambers, his legs propped open for Y/n, who sits between them. Both of them have books on autobiographies of the Grandmaster and the history of Sakaar. Loki's right hand plays with her hair, which is sprawled over his knees. Y/n smiles in remembrance of their use of this position when they were both in prison together.

Loki also smiles, seeing the memory flit by in her brain. "Prison wasn't too terrible. Until you got taken away and- Frigga," he winces.

Y/n turns around to face him, sitting back on her heels. "Hey. Mother fought valiantly, and now is reunited with Odin in the Halls of Valhalla, where they belong. She is okay."

She leans over his stomach to kiss him, but the door to their chambers is kicked open by Topaz and Da-ahem. Scrapper 142. She narrows her eyes at the couple, who stare at them in return. "Stop that," 142 says. "Grandmaster wants to see us."


Y/n, Loki, and 142 all stride into the throne room confidently, approaching a pouting Grandmaster. "I'm upset! I'm very upset. You know what I like about being upset? Blame. Right now, that's the mindset that I'm in. And you know who I'm blaming?"

"Grandmaster, I-" Loki begins.

"Hey! Don't interrupt me!" Grandmaster exclaims. Topaz passes the melt stick over to him.

"Here you go," she grunts sadistically.

Grandmaster glances at it, confused. "Why are you handing me the melt stick? He was interrupting. That's not a capital violation." He refocuses his attention on the trio in front of him. "My precious champion has come up missing and its all because of that Lord of Thunder. It's all because of him." He turns to Loki and Y/n. "YOUR brother. Whatever the story is. Adopted, or complicated. I'm sure there's a big history." He turns to 412. "And YOUR contender."

"My dear friend, if you were to give us twelve hours I could bring them both back to you," Y/n reasons softly.

"I can do it in two," 142 interuppts.

Y/n glares at her. "I could do it in one."

142 scoffs and looks at her nails, smirking. "Actually, if I remember correctly, you could do it in less than five minutes."

Y/n gasps and blushes while Grandmaster blinks at them. "You know what? I woke up this morning thinking about a public execution. But for now, I'll settle for this sweet little, oo, 'who's gonna get him first?!'" He claps. "So you're on the clock."

142 exits in a hurry, Loki rushing after her. Y/n turns to follow them, but Grandmaster calls her name in a sing-song voice. She sighs, plasters a fake smile on her lips, and turns around. "Yes, Grandmaster?"

He smirks at her. "Don't think I don't know what the three of you did. I have eyes and ears everywhere." Y/n frowns in distaste at his creepy words. "I have a feeling your little man is jealous, might even try to stab her, you never know. So while I have full confidence in you, bugaboo, you might need to mediate some fights. Can I count on you?"

Y/n bites back the bile of disgust and nods. "Of course, Grandmaster. Anything for you," she says, tapping his cheek and almost running out. She makes herway into the hallway and freezes when she sees 142 sitting on Loki's chest, whose hand is pressed against her forehead. Their eyes are glossed over and Y/n immediately knows what's happening.

They're reliving something.

She glances down at 142's arm and spots something she didn't think she'd ever see again.

A Valkyrie tattoo.

Y/n slowly approaches her and places a hand on her shoulder, gasping as she's thrown into the memory.

A barren black void of death.

The legion of Valkryie, in old Asgardian armor, charge through the dimensional rift, an open portal to Asgard and the Nine Realms. Val rides through the sky with her bretheren on a pegasus, her hair flowing behind her as her lip curls at...Hela.

Black lightning surrounds her as she tosses knives wildly. Dozens of Valkyrie fall through the dark space. The shadows of Hela's horned headpiece overlook the bodies of dead Valkyrie and their horses on the battlefield. Through the open portal the throne of Asgard is visible.The Valkyrie's winged horses lay dead on the battlefield.

Hela advances on the final few Valkyrie - one of which is Val who is frozen in fear. Hela launches a knife at Valkyrie, but a beautiful blonde woman pushes her out of the way, the dagger piercing her instead. Val falls backwards, silent screams tumbling off her lips as she falls into the darkness.

It's over.

Loki pushes Val back, who skids across the floor, trembling at the visceral memroy she tried so hard to supress. She turns on Loki, raging, and kicks up at his face, disarming him swifltly and kicking his legs out from under him. He lands on his back as she wings her leg over him and growls at him, knocking him out.

Val wipes some blood away from her lip and looks up at Y/n, whose eyes are wide in the corner. "Do I have to knock you out too, or will you just come with me?"

She shrugs. "Eh, I'll just come with you."

my parents literally thought i was watching porn because of this scene

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my parents literally thought i was watching porn because of this scene

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