Chapter 19

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is May 18, 2021. I feel very chaotic and hopeful today. Like, I feel like I have a lot of energy and am really jittery, but I finally realized that numbers that are close to angel number (angel #'s being 1111, 222, 333, etc) like 112, 447, etc have their own special meanings, and my spirit guides have been sending me messages this entire time.


Warnings: Intense verbal attacks

"So are you gonna tell them?" Y/n asks.

"No. You are," Strange says, standing up.

"No I'm not," she scoffs. "They'll hate me for keeping that a secret."

"I thought you said your marriage was ruined."

"I still have a family. I made a vow to Thor, and that would be breaking it."

"Would it, though? Your reasoning is honest enough, you never used the power, and when you do begin using it, which you will because I'll help you, are you going to use it for bad?"

"I guess you're right," Y/n grumbles.

"No, that was a real question. Are you going to use it for bad?" Strange repeats.




Quick question: How long does it take a robbed Princess to get back on her feet and begin training?

The answer: One day. It took one day of tears for Y/n to pick herself up, explore the Sanctum, and begin training herself. Before Strange will take her on as her Master or whatever, she needs to sharpen herself after being dulled by the luxuries of Asgard and Sakaar.

First order of business: physically training. Y/n needs to get herself into a healthy body first in order to begin sorting out...her brain. That won't be fun. Good thing Strange has a gym. Odd gym...usually Y/n would just spar with Loki or Sif. But there's a punching bag, and different machines with various functions. 

Squaring up with the punching bag, she begins fighting it, sending different hits in different spots, sending kicks into it as well. Soon, sweat begins culminating on her brow as she fights harder, images of Thanos flashing through her head.

"You do realize you're supposed to wrap your hands up before you annihilate a punching bag, right?" Strange's voice says from behind her.

"It'll take more than a giant bag of sand to make me bleed," Y/n laughs, wiping her face.

"Oh, really?" Strange asks, pointing to her hands.

She looks down and sees blood dripping from her knuckles, splashing onto the floor. A droplet of blood drips down from her forehead where she wiped it. "Huh. Would you look at that?"

Y/n spots a large washing tub, sink-looking thing in the corner of the room and begins washing her hands, wincing a little bit as the adrenaline starts weaning off. "Don't get blood on my stuff," Strange says before striding out.

She rolls her eyes and sits on an odd machine with pedals. Placing her feet on the pedals and hands on the bars, she begins pushing. "Oh! I know what this is! This is a...a-a bike!" She exclaims, proud of herself for remembering the name of the Midgardian model.

"Look at you. jesus i wrote 3 words and almost started writing smut my god So proud of yourself for the simplest of things. How quaint," a horridly familiar voice says.

Y/n groans, leaning her head on the bike handles. "Don't taunt me, Loki, you couldn't have done much better. Why are you here? I told you I didn't want to talk to you."

"So don't talk. No, you're going to listen to me. You're going to sit there and listen to everything I have to say to you," Loki growls, advancing on her.

"And you're an ass all of a sudden...why? Haven't you gotten what you've wanted already? Y/n asks, swinging her legs over the bike and advancing on him.

"Oh, I have. But there's just one more thing I need to do," he says, slowly circling her. She spins around with him, watching him with narrowed eyes.

"What is this, Loki?"

"This is me taking in what I stuck with for centuries. I put myself through eons How benevolent of me for you, but tortorous for me. Ages and ages of sticking with you simply because you were hopelessly in love with me, a god and the future King. Pathetic. Your own family didn't want you," he spits.

Y/n's eyebrows scrunch, extremely confused and feeling hurt sink in. "If I remember correctly, you were properly whipped by me first. And you were cast out as well, too. You were never King and now you never will be because of your lust for power over love."

"Oh, love? It was never power over love, it was always just power. There was no love, there never was. It was all twisted by me in your head. So utterly gullible, you took whatever little crums I gave you and just ran with it. You were so desperate for the love no one would ever give you. And why would they?"

"Loki, stop," Y/n pleads, unable to stop the tears. She should see. She should be able to realize the lies, and split reality from whatever warp this is. She squeezes her hands over her ears, desperately trying to drown out his cutting words.

"You are too measly to be worthy of any love or good fortune. I don't love you, and I never did. And I never will. You were simply a pawn, a chess piece in the great game of power, one that I have won. And Frigga."

Y/n freezes, looking up at him with murderous red, swirling eyes as tears drip out of them. As the droplets hit the floor, it sizzles like acid, curdling away. Her hands around her ears begin glowing green with wisps of magic starting to spark out. "Stop. Talking."

"Frigga never loved you. She never saw you as a worthy witch, or daughter. She didn't even see you as a regular human. Because you aren't! You're just a stupid little elf unworthy of anything greater than exile. Thor knows this. Val knows this. Frigga knows it. And I know it," Loki finishes, watching her sink to the ground as his lip twitches.

mm yummy tears im sobbing rn lol

The most horrid, pained, and blood-curdling scream echoes through New York, an extremely powerful blast of yellow magic pulsing from Y/n and ripping through the room, through the Sanctum, the street, and the city. It knocks Loki off his feet and sends him flat on his back, while it shakes the structures all around them.

Y/n wraps her arms around her body, green flames licking up her arms, and a snake of red around her neck and face, the green and red meeting in her chest to make a striking yellow pendant. She sobs loudly, Loki's words swirling in her thoughts as hot tears as red as blood streak down her face.

The sound of thrusters are distant, but grow louder. An old familiar face strides into the training room. "WIZARD MAN! WANNA TELL ME WHY ICEBOY AND FIREGIRL ARE IN HERE?"

Stephen floats through the wall and gently lands beside Loki and Y/n, both of who are laying on the floor, Loki's eyes blown wide with shock, and Y/n's widened at the power she couldn't help but unleash. "Just running an experiment. They're safe, both of them. And quite noble, might I add."

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