chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Yeah, I bloody damn do.

I jumped up from my bed, internally freaking out from my short-lived dream. I was at the cusp of jumping off a building with Oliver to my side. He was holding my hand tightly and was counting down from three. Once three left his mouth, everything went black and I woke up.

I looked around the dorm and realised everyone was still sleeping though the sun was peeking through the reflection of the water. I couldn't, didn't, want to sleep anymore, so I just got ready for the day. Later, Zara woke up too and I waited for her before we went and got some breakfast.

"I like Oliver," I blurted out, climbing up the stairs to the ground floor. My cheeks instantly warm up when Zara has gasped.

"You-you just..."

"I did," I quickly said to make her shut up as a couple of Slytherin students walk beside us. "And I don't want other people to know."

"When, how, how did you know?"

"Last night. Well, a while ago this morning. I couldn't really sleep after you did so I... it just came to me," I blabbered out, trying to scramble some thoughts in my head.

"So, he doesn't know?"

"He doesn't know."

She looked at me with wide eyes. "Does he like you back?"

"Does he still like me back?" I rephrased.

"He confessed?!"

I snapped my eyes to her to keep her voice low. She murmured a sorry before I continued. "Two months ago, he did."

"Why didn't you bloody tell me?"

"It was embarrassing, please. He literally took me by surprise and I'm more surprised that he still actually talks to me."

She laughed. "I told you. Wood and his eyes. Terence would be so bloody impressed with himself."

"No, wait," I quickly said. "Please, don't tell Terence. Nor Flint. Or Adrian."

She left her mouth ajar. She asked softly as we turned a corner, "Why?"

"I'll tell them personally. Not yet, though."

"Will you tell Wood?"

I shook my head, fixing my tie. "I hope he'll figure it out himself. I just – I don't think I can bring myself to say it out loud."

"Oh, dear, you're blushing," She pointed out.

I touched my warm cheeks. I groaned to myself, wanting to stop this feeling. But I just can't. Oh my, merlin. We rounded up to the hallway of the Great Hall and I started to get excited. I'm not this excited on normal days, however, I don't think the next few days is going to be normal any longer.

"Lover boy's there," Zara nudged me, looking far off to the hallway near the doors of the Great Hall.

I looked over the crowd of young students and saw Oliver's tall figure leaning against the wall outside the Hall, talking to Katie Bell. Funny how I said he should be dating her but now I'm clenching my jaw in jealousy.

"Just don't mind him," I said, looking away. Zara looked at me in confusion but I just gave her a side eye.

We walked past them, I obviously gave the cold shoulder to Oliver in hopes that he would be the one to go to me instead. But he didn't. I grumbled to myself and just walked with Zara to the side of our table. Breakfast was... pleasant. Barely talked though.

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