chapter 25

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Chapter 25

December came rolling in no time. Being back with Oliver was the ultimate high that I wanted. After deciding to get back together, we also decided that since my friends knew, we don't have to hide any longer. I am going to be honest that sneaking around was a lot of fun but being able to hold his hand in the corridor was better.

A day after we slept together, I obviously had to tell someone what happened. I couldn't possibly tell Valkyrie or Sif because it's too raw, so exiting the Great Hall with Oliver that night, I kissed him goodnight and walked closely with Zara back to our common room.

"I have to tell you something," I murmured to her in the middle of a shared half-laugh with the boys.

We turned a corner, falling out of line for a moment. "About what? Wood? I think it's obvious you're back together," She said with a shrug.

"Something else," I quickly said, looking up to the still laughing Adrian, Terence and Flint. I look back at her with eagerness. "Head straight to our dorm room. You'll be interested in what I've got to say."

"Alright," She simply said. "By the way, you didn't cover up the hickeys well. No wonder Professor Flitwick was looking at you with wonder."

I gasped, slapping my palm over my neck where Oliver had left more hickeys in the past days. "I already used the charm to cover it up and it's still there? Are you sure?"

She pulled out a mirror from her robe pocket and angled it to reflect the faint purple mark arising from the Concealment Charm. I hissed in annoyance, scratching it as if it would do anything.

"Oh, there's another one," She whispered in a high pitched tone, pointing at my collarbone. Another purple mark. "Maybe you're not doing it right. See mine, there are no marks."

"Damn it. Help me later too, please."

We arrived back at our common room, escaped the boys and locked the dorm door once again. Angelina and Noelle can figure out how to get in. I took off my robe before settling down on my bed, Zara across from me on her own bed. She was removing her jewellery.

"Okay..." I started, taking a deep breath, watching the passing fishes by the window. "I- I slept with Oliver."

"And?" She asked, busy looking at herself in the mirror.

I furrowed my brows, confused by her reaction. "I slept with Oliver," I repeated.

"What?!" She suddenly shouted, finally looking at me after successfully removing her earrings. My cheeks burned from her reaction, embarrassment. "No, no, don't be ashamed," She quickly said, joining me in my bed. "Did you use the Contraceptive Charm?"

"Yeah," I nodded. There was an odd gut feeling behind my mind but Zara was completely going berserk at the new information.

"Oh, my Merlin," She gasped. "Tell me all about it, please. How painful is it? Was he kind? How much did you bleed? How did he react? Was it his first time too?"

"One by one, one by one," I quickly cut her off, shaking my hands in front of her face. "I'll tell you about it while you teach me once again the Concealment Charm."

"Deal," She quickly said, standing up and getting her wand from her hanging robe at the edge of the banister of her bed. She sat back down, wands at the ready, and I, ready to tell her about it.

While talking about Oliver and his actions and performing the Concealment Charm, at the back of my head was the bad feeling of why is magic working on me? The Contraceptive Charm was just an idea but I thought it wouldn't work, though Oliver mustn't have remembered that I am immune to magic, for he wasn't surprised. Then the Concealment Charm I applied as soon as possible which worked as well, taking me a back for a moment inside the girls' lavatory. As well as the Drying Charm after the game. This was another effect of the galaxy rips present in this world and my origin world. I may not be so extraordinary now that I can actually get killed by the unforgivable curses.

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