chapter 28

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Chapter 28

My letters became my most valued possession, aside from the Asgardian spear, the pairs of silver social circles and the jewellery box that contained my mother's present for me. Life went on after Year 6 and I hadn't expected the next years that came. Especially what would happen after Hogwarts.

September 19, 1994

Oliver Wood,

Summer went by as quick as the sunsets, now I am back in Hogwarts to spend my last year. Though, you already know that since we had the whole summer with each other – very different from last year's summer. I also got to spend summer with Zara and the boys which were odd at first but they're crazier under the sun than being inside the cold aquarium of a common room. And the quidditch world cup definitely has been a favourite part of my summer, aside from the events that happened late at night. The tents were ginormous (maybe we should just live in a tent – jk)! And the pie your mother made for that day, merlin's beard, take me back please. I'd definitely write to her during Christmas to send over some pies.

I have got some exciting news for this year aside from the N.E.W.T.s. Apparently, Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament after a century. Students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive on Halloween so I am quite excited for that. Meeting new wizards from different parts of the world. Dumbledore hasn't released any information or specs about the game, so that is something to look forward to. Would you allow me if I join or is having an Auror Career Path too much already?

As I had said, Year 7 came rolling in and the first thing off of professors' mouths are about the N.E.W.T.s like last year. It was just yesterday I was dying studying for the O.W.L.s and now, I am here in the library with a table full of books on potion brewing. Glad that this year I only took the subjects related to my career choice. I totally understand now how stressed you were during your Year 7 – and I am still sorry for that even if I had a point and I was right.

The last few days have been interesting. I've used the Room of Requirement for my training as much as possible but I felt weird eyes on me. Maybe it's just Filch or Mrs. Norris but it's definitely weird without you around in the hallways. And the pitch, it definitely misses you though welcomes Adrian, Flint and Terence all right. Speaking of quidditch, the only information about the Triwizard I know is that... quidditch will not be played this year. Thank Merlin that you aren't here anymore or else... I don't want to know how this sentence will end.

Anyways, I miss you and I love you.


December 29, 1994

Oliver Wood,

First term flew like nothing. Halloween was an event with Hogwarts being extra with everything in order to impress the French and the Scandinavian (& others). We've actually seen some of the Beauxbatons students during the Quidditch Cup and guess what... Viktor Krum is here too! Girls are swooning all over him but I promise I am not. You've probably heard that Potter kid is also part of the champions and after seeing the first tournament – DRAGONS for Merlin's sake! – I am glad I didn't put my name in the goblet.

Speaking of the Triwizard events, the Yule Ball was fantastic (though Fleur, Beauxbatons student, had things to say about it). Adrian took me to the Yule Ball as friends, making sure that I was still not single, in respect to the both of us. Dancing with him with music reminded me about your promise that is yet to be fulfilled. That night was fantastic that Zara, Adrian, Terence, Flint and I went to the Black Lake at 1 am even if it was freezing and almost dared one another to dip – though it never pushed through because Flint was all like "N.E.W.T.s."

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