a weekend in the bailey-warren household

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benley having a barbecue at their house / domestic fluff <33

requested by : crysvane


“Benny, where are you, honey? You need to get dressed!” Miranda shouted, going down the stairs as carefully as possible. Her swollen ankles made it difficult for her to walk, so she kept a firm hand on the ledge of the stairs. “Benjamin Anthony Bailey-Warren!”

“Ma?” Her 5-year-old called from the kitchen. The pitter-patter of his feet echoed through the tiles, and Miranda smiled as Benny’s face popped up from the corner. His eyes widened as he took in her form going down the stairs. “What are you doing?!” He screeched.

She chuckled as he ran to help her go down the stairs. He looked down her 7-month-pregnant belly and scrunched up his nose. Benny looked like his father overall but at times like this, she saw herself. “Honey, I’m fine,” she smiled reassuringly at him. Her hand ruffled his hair and she leaned down a little to plant a kiss on his forehead.

He frowned. “Are you sure? You shouldn’t go down alone.” He looked up the stairs. “Ella! Danny!”

Miranda rolled her eyes. Benny and Ella had a love-hate relationship. She looked up as she saw her 13-year-old twins go down at the same time. Ella was born first, and after 7 antagonizing minutes, Danny followed. As they grew up, they saw that the twins didn’t really take much from either of their parents, but they were a perfect blend of Ben and MIranda. They were active and wild, yet at the same time, they also liked the quiet. The twins come as a pair, and Miranda’s heart always warmed seeing them together.

"What do you want?" Ella rolled her eyes, as Danny laughed.

Benny glared at them, and Miranda found it adorable. "Mom was coming down on her own. Where were you?"

The twins looked at their mother accusingly. She scoffed. "Both of you were too busy, and I wanted to get this little guy into new clothes."

Danny shook his head. "We could've helped you." He looked down at her belly. "You're way too big."

Miranda scoffed again. "Are you telling your mother she's fat, Daniel Richard Bailey-Warren?"

Ella clicked her teeth. "Tsk, tsk, you’re in trouble," she whispered, amused at seeing his brother sweat under their mother’s gaze, but she was obviously heard.

"This is not a laughing matter, Daniella Calliope." The young girl looked like she was a deer caught in headlights.

"Woah, what's going on here?" A deep voice came from the living room. The four looked, and saw Tuck smiling at them.

"Tuck!" Benny screamed, and ran to his older brother. While the twins were inseparable, her 5-year-old took to her oldest son. "What are you doing here?!"

He laughed. He glanced at the twins, who were talking in whispered tones. Tuck greeted them both with a hug. As he took Benny in his arms, he stepped to his mother, who asked the same question. He kissed her cheek before he explained, "Dad asked me to come home for the weekend."

Miranda frowned. "You're in the middle of your semester--

"It's fine, mom," Tuck cut her off. "I'm at the top of my class, you know that."

"Still." She squinted at him. "Not that I'm not happy to see you, I am, but you know how I am with your studies."

By that time, the twins were already hurrying to the living room, probably to watch their show. Tuck nodded. "Yes, but it's taken care of, Ma. Trust me."

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