Research and Destruction

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Classes were just as boring and as generic as things got. You and Yaoyorozu hung out at lunch, eating together and enjoying each other's company and laughing, having a good time. Still, the lingering thought of Kaku was forever in your brain. He was somewhere in Japan, still causing mayhem. Yaoyorozu must have seen you as she grabbed your hand and gave you a smile.

Yaoyorozu: He's made his decision, and we've made ours.

(Y/N): Are we really ready to give up on him? He's a few years younger than us. He's a kid.

Yaoyorozu: And so are we. And, I don't want to give up on him. Not on anyone. But he's a villain now. He made his choice.

(Y/N): (To yourself) Or did the world decide for him.

You sighed and went back to eating your lunch. Unknown to you, across the city, Kaku was sitting in an alleyway, twisting his thumbs. He sighed before leaning back against the wall of the alley. Kaku then stood up and twisted his back before flinching a bit as armor began to cover his body all around, collapsing down onto his body. Kaku took a deep breath as the helmet covered his face and secured him inside.

Kaku opened his palms and used his quirk to fly up to the top of the building. Once there, he began to run along the rooftops towards a large bridge. On the other side is Helios Corporation Headquarters, the prison that held him. He stops himself at the roof's edge and looks over at the prison. He cracks his neck and jumps down and uses his quirk to mend his body onto a passing car. The car turns towards Helios HQ. Kaku smirked to himself.

Kaku: Loose ends. Simple mission. In and out, no hush, no fuss.

The car slowly pulled up to the entrance of the building and was scanned. At that time though, Kaku had jumped from the car and used the road as a way of getting inside undetected with his size. After all, the local power grid for the place used nuclear energy. Why would he be seen? Once behind enemy lines, Kaku reformed himself and ran towards the motor pool. He cracked his knuckles and ran in.

Quickly, he reached a truck and took cover before scanning around the room. Cameras were his biggest concern. So, Kaku used his quirk again and mended to the ground, and slowly moved in for the kill shot. After arriving, he waited for the main entrance door to open which did so quickly. Routine guard shift. Every corporate building's biggest weakness.

Kaku place his hand on the wall and surged some of his power throughout the building, shutting down cameras, security posts, and electronics all throughout the building. Kaku smirked again as the emergency lights came on.

Kaku: Of course. Emergency lights. Which means an emergency generator. Well, time to get to work.

Kaku began to walk through the halls of the corporate office until he encountered employees and some doctors of the Helios Corporation. They gasped as they saw Kaku standing there with red lights illuminating the halls. A couple took a few steps back in fear as Kaku stood still. Security then entered the halls and surrounded all exits and blocked off Kaku's escape.

Kaku looked around and saw the guards raise their buttons and tasers to fight him. He then focused his attention on the employees. His hands began to glow bright red again.

Kaku: If everyone is here. (Everyone looks confused) Die.

Kaku began to fire blasts of energy at the civilians and guards, killing them almost instantly. As one guard ran up to attack, Kaku backed up and evaded two swings before kneeling the guard in the stomach. As the guard queezed, Kaku summoned some energy and grabbed the guard's face, melting it off, killing them instantly.

Kaku began to slowly walk forward, burning down everything in sight. He slashed through the air and sent a wave of energy to cut through a wall. As another guard ran up to him, Kaku turned around and punched him in the chest, and burned the guard alive. Kaku backed away and roundhouse kicked them in the face. The guard shattered a wall. Kaku cracked his neck and walked through the wall and sent off two more energy beans.

Kaku ran into two more guards, aiming guns at the teen. He growled and walked forward, letting the guards get an easier shot. They fired, but Kaku's energy burns them and acts like they shot nothing. They look like they are shocked but continue to fire at the teen. Kaku holds up his hands and fires off beams of energy and severs the guards in half.

Kaku walked deeper into the facility, firing at different walls and other facilities. Guards keep firing their weapons but with each bullet fired, another guard dies. A few scientists and other employees also die in a few cuts and bashes to their heads. One employee runs over to a cubical and slides down under the desk. He grabs his phone, still shaking as he tries to dial the police.

Kaku: Don't even try it!

The employee freezes with fear, unknown of what else to do.

Kaku: I can pick up radio signals. If you call the cops, you better call pro heroes too. I need the target practice.

The employee shakes as he calls the cops.

Employee: Please ...please send help. It's the nuclear boy and he-

Kaku fires a beam and killed the employee. He proceeded forward with his rampage. A couple of security SWAT officers appeared and opened fire as well. Kaku raises his hand and shielded himself from harm. The leader pointed around Kaku as he kept firing. Three officers moved in and began firing at different angles. Kaku raises his arm to defend, but a stray bullet hits his arm.

Kaku yelled in pain and stopped defending himself. The officers stopped firing and looked at one another.

Leader: Kill the bastard!

The SWAT officers opened fire again. Just as the first bullets were fired, Kaku yelled and blasted a massive burst of energy and killed all six officers. Kaku then got back up and glared ahead and released another blast, burning down more of the room he was in before continuing onward.


Back at UA, you and Yaoyorozu were outside your dorm building. She was reading a news article and taking notes while you were resting on her shoulder.

(Y/N): I feel like we do this every day.

Yaoyorozu: You are the one who insists on stopping here every day.

(Y/N): Are you complaining?

Yaoyorozu: I feel like this is all a ploy to get me to compliment you and our relationship.

(Y/N): Maybe. You'll never know.

Yaoyorozu: I believe I just did.

(Y/N): Keep telling yourself that.

You both chuckled as you shifted a bit closer to her. A beep then went off on Yaoyoroz's phone and she looked.

Yaoyorozu: Um. News report from the papers.

(Y/N): You actually have notifications for those?

Yaoyorozu: Of course. As heroes, it's important we are informed at all times.

(Y/N): You're starting to sound like Iida.

Yaoyorozu huffed and playfully hit your arm. You chuckled as she read over the breaking news story that just came out. She then gasped as she saw it.

(Y/N): What is it?

She then showed you. Another attack from Kaku. Around 40-50 deaths. Several millions in property damage. Finally arrested by Endeavor, Hawks, and dozens of pro heroes. Sent to Tartuaurs to rot forever. You and Yaoyorozu looked at each other with shock and horror on your faces.

(Y/N): Well...shit.

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N), language!

(Y/N): I'm not apologizing.

Yaoyorozu: But...Kaku. I...I can't believe he really did all of that.

(Y/N): I know. It's How many deaths? Over 120 right?

Yaoyorozu: Unfortunately. Tragic really. And now, he's in Tartarus, rotting away and-

(Y/N): Yaoyorozu...isn't Helios and Lovecraft in Tartarus?

Yaoyorozu: I...uh no.

Momo Yaoyorozu X Male Reader: Power CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now