Nuclear Workout

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The next few days at UA had been pretty steady all things considered as classes resumed. You had continued to work on ultimate moves before the work studies had taken into effect so there was no concern to worry about. Aizawa and the other teachers kept pushing on lessons day after day for you guys so study sessions back at the dorm room were still a big thing to worry about. Since creating ultimate moves, your class had a day off every week to work out on them and develop your quirks better.

It was during one of those days you invited Kaku No to join Class 1-A in developing their powers. Kaku walked into Gym Gamma and you smiled as he entered. Per yours and Yaoyorozu's recommendations, Kaku had been made a new radiation suit to contain his power. You guided him over to a small section carved out by Cementoss and got ready to train your friend. Before you began, you glanced up to see Bakugo going at some of Ectoplasm clones to practice.

Seeing the boy's actions in motion, you smirked as you realized a good way to help Kaku better use his quirk.

(Y/N): Ready?

Kaku: Alright. Uh, what are we working on today?

(Y/N): Mobility. Plus more power output.

Kaku: Still need to handle that, uh?

(Y/N): For a person with your kind of quirk, yes. Now, we start simple and small.

You walked over and absorbed the material of his suit and walked back to a stone wall. He looked at you and you nodded. Kaku took a deep breath and fired out some of the energy within his body. He increased it by using both hands and kept at a concentrated area around your chest. After a couple of seconds, you slowly began to walk away from the targeted zone. You gestured for Kaku to follow which he understood. He slowly pushed the beams back towards you. You smiled and began to run around him.

Kaku stopped firing and began to fire off random beams around the circle you both were in. Above you both, watching was Yaoyorozu and Aizawa.

Aizawa: He's improving, I'll give him that. A little slow by UA standards.

Yaoyorozu: Well, to be fair, so has Midoriya.

Aizawa: That's because Midoriya has a set goal in mind. You're teaching this boy combat lessons, heroics 101. Do you even know that this is what he wants?

Yaoyorozu: I never considered that before.

Aizawa: It was my understanding that you just wanted him to improve his quirk enough to live a normal life. Now would be a good time to ask him these questions.

Yaoyorozu: I-of course, sir.

Aizawa and Yaoyorozu looked back down to the pit to see you and Kaku still fighting one another. Kaku released a beam of energy towards you that you slid under. You then proceeded to use the stone wall to jump off of and leap down to attack Kaku. Kaku took a step back and went in for a punch. You grabbed the wrist and pushed him back. Kaku then fired two beams together and hit you directly in the forearms. You blocked them both and charged forward until you reached Kaku and pushed him down to the ground.

Kaku looked at your smirk. However, your quirk timed out and the material coating your body gave way. Kaku smirked, got up, and went in for a few punches. You dodged two of them and then shoulder slammed him down onto the ground.

Kaku: How?

(Y/N): Your punches are predictable. And you need to move faster. So, mobility training. Let's go.

You helped Kaku up and you both stood beside one another. You both began to shadow box one another, trying to punch faster and faster. You would throw out a combo of punches and wait for Kaku to replicate them at similar or faster speeds. They were a bit slow but slowly got faster and faster. After one series of punches, you stepped back and glanced up to Momo and nodded at her, giving her a signal. She looked back at Aizawa who stepped to the side.

Aizawa: You both made it your responsibility for him. Don't let me get involved.

Yaoyorozu nodded and created a bo staff to fight. She leapt down towards Kaku as you stepped away. Kaku was confused until you could see Yaoyorozu coming in with a pole. He quickly stepped back to avoid the hit but did not see you kicking him as well.

Kaku: Wait! What's happening?!

(Y/N): Mobility. Two on one!

Kaku: Don't you think that's a little much?

(Y/N): We'll see.

You nodded at Momo and she nodded back. Together you both ran around Kaku, trying to get him to fire at you both. Momo did make a slingshot with some Russian nesting dolls and fired at Kaku. After a few hits, Kaku grew annoyed and fired off some beams to attack you both. However, you were both too fast for the beams. Kaku then fired in front of you guys. However, you jumped over the beam and gave a playful wink at Momo who blushed slightly.

After running for a little bit more, you leapt up onto the wall and pushed off and lined up a perfect kick to Kaku's head. You were able to kick Kaku and knocked him down and away from the center of the circle. Unknown to you, Kaku was getting angrier as the trial went on. He yelled in annoyance and a blast of energy came from him and shook the entire building. Aizawa ran over as did Ectoplasm too see what had happened.

(Y/N): Kaku! Are you ok? I didn't mean to-


Kaku: SHUT UP!!!

Another blast from Kaku went off. You and Momo were blasted back and into the wall. Energy emerged from the ground as lighting type movements as he was panting.

Aizawa: Enough!

The energy died down and everyone looked up to see Aizawa using his quirk to erase Kaku's.

Aizawa: Yaoyorozu, (Y/N). Take Kaku to Recovery Girl and get him patched up. Then you both need to decide what's best for him. He's your responsibility. Make the right choice.

You both nodded and guided Kaku out of the room. You both sighed as you walked in and handed him over to Recovery Girl for some needed psychiatric and medical treatment. Hound Dog was there too to help. You leaned against the wall and sighed to yourself and pinched the bridge of your nose.

(Y/N): Now what are we going to do? I'm trying to help this kid out. I don't know why everyone is looking at me like the bad guy.

Yaoyorozu: Maybe it's because we are making him do things he doesn't want to do.

(Y/N): What?

Yaoyorozu: Did he ask to be made a hero? He only wanted to better control his quirk. I say we have done our job.

(Y/N): We can't just leave him!

Yaoyorozu: I know that! Maybe the staff at UA can do something, but we can't. (Y/N), we swore we would help with his quirk. That does not mean I wish to abandon him altogether. But we need to know our own limits. I'm sure the Principal or Mr. Aizawa can help out.

(Y/N): I...(sighs) I know. I want to help people, help him! But this is clearly outside our levels of expertise.

Yaoyorozu: I'm sure Kaku will understand.

(Y/N): I guess you're right.

However, unknown to you both, Kaku could hear you guys on the other side of the wall. He looked to his hands and clenched them tightly before taking a deep breath in and out.

Kaku: (Thinking) I'll show you! I can be normal! And I just know how to do it!

Kaku smiled a genuine smile as Recovery Girl walked over to talk to him with Hound Dog.

Momo Yaoyorozu X Male Reader: Power CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now