Recovery Day

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Your eyes shot up as did your head and body once you finally regained some level of consciousness.

(Y/N): Who? What? Where? When? Why?

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)!

You looked to your right and saw Yaoyorozu run over to you and hugged you. You slowly hugged back and patted said back as she gave you a smile and sat down beside you.

(Y/N): What happened?

Recovery Girl: What happened was you were an idiot!

You looked at the foot of the medical bed you were on and saw Recovery Girl standing there, a stern yet neutral look to her face.

Recovery Girl: You took on too much force. You should have known the limits of your quirk before you acted so rashly.

You looked at your arms and saw casts covering them both. You sighed and looked back at Momo and Recovery Girl. You leaned back on your bed and took a deep breath to calm yourself down.

Recovery Girl: Your body ran out of energy and you ran in way too fast. I don't know what you were doing all of today but you should have never placed that much pressure onto your body like that. You should just be fortunate that your classmates got you out of there before you were killed. So, I'll let you rebuild that stamina of yours so I can heal you. DON'T do anything stupid, you hear!!!

Recovery Girl walked out of her office to give you some rest. You sighed again and collapsed back down onto your bed. You glanced over and saw that Yaoyorozu looked back at you, clearly annoyed and upset with you.

(Y/N): (Sighs) Go ahead and say it. You were right and I was wrong. I should have thought rationally and been smart about the amount of force I place on my body. Consequences are on my fingertips, literally in fact, and if I keep up this kind of attitude then I'll never be a pro hero and should not have come here based on recommendations. You happy?

Yaoyorozu sighed and looked you dead in the face.

Yaoyorozu: The fact that you knew where this was going should tell how I'm feeling right now.

(Y/N): Probably upset and greatly annoyed at me.

Yaoyorozu just looked back at you. She does seem a bit annoyed but she sighed and smiled at you.

Yaoyorozu: I'm just happy you're ok. Though I wished you would put more thought into these actions of yours. You need to calculate your strength and understand your limits before you go all out like that.

(Y/N): I know, Momo. I know.

Yaoyorozu: No, you don't. (You turned to her) If you did, then you would've never done something

Yaoyorozu sighed and leaned down a bit in her chair. You sighed as well.

(Y/N): was the rest of classes today?

Yaoyorozu: They were fine. Work was the usual here and there. You should able to catch up quickly.

You nodded and glanced around the room. You then saw your bag in the corner. You slowly began to shift your body off of the bed. Yaoyorozu quickly caught of sight of this and stopped you from getting off of the bed.

(Y/N): Momo?

Yaoyorozu: You need the rest.

(Y/N): Listen I can-

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N), please. Just rest. For me.

(Y/N): (Sighing) Momo, I...(sighs again) Ok fine. I'll stay.

Yaoyorozu: Thank you.

Yaoyorozu walked over to your bag and brought it over to you. She pulled out her own notebook and began to transfer her notes over to yours.

(Y/N): You don't have to-

Yaoyorozu: I know. But I want to. It's what good friends do for one another.

You stopped yourself and went back to lying down on your bed. Your eyes then widen and turned to a clock. It was around 5 O'clock. All afternoon classes were over with.

(Y/N): You should head home. I'm sure your parents are worried about you right now.

Yaoyorozu: I already called them and let them know of the situation.

(Y/N): And I'm willing to believe they weren't happy.

Yaoyorozu: I don't find that necessary.

(Y/N): So I was right then. Good to know.

Yaoyorozu looked back at you and you looked at her.

Yaoyorozu: I don't know how I put up with your negative and angry attitude. Do you always have to insult my parents like that? Do you always need to insult everyone around us like that?!

(Y/N): Listen I-

Yaoyorozu: You don't get to joke. Not this time. I was just trying to be nice to you.

(Y/N): Well look where that got you? Your friend is a bastard, Momo! A BASTARD!!!

Yaoyorozu: You're not!

(Y/N): Try me! I'm a jerk to everyone!

Yaoyorozu: Why are you though?! Why do you hate everyone that seems like a bit-

(Y/N): Because I don't want them to hurt you, damn it!!!

Yaoyorozu reeled back a bit. She was shocked and didn't know how to fully react.

(Y/N): You've already been neglected enough. You may have loving parents but business and work clearly in the way. That hurts people Momo. I don't want to see you hurt even further. I guess I just hurt you more, huh? Momo?

You turned and saw that Yaoyorozu was gone. You sighed before you turned your head and looked out the window.

(Y/N): Great...just great.

You forcefully hit the wall with your arm against the wall and winced in pain.

(Y/N): That was also not a good idea. Damn it.

Unknown to you, Yaoyorozu was still in the room, she was just hiding behind one of the curtains to give privacy to patients. Her mouth was covered by her hands and she was slightly blushing to herself. She quickly made a break to the door and hide outside the room. You heard the door open and close, but when Recovery Girl didn't come inside, you realized Yaoyorozu was still in the room at that time.

(Y/N): Oh fuc-

Yaoyorozu walked down the halls of UA. The blush was ever-present on her face. While she was used to talking like this from boys for years, it was odd hearing coming from you. Then again, she did have a crush on you for the past few months now. After walking down the halls for a few moments, she came to a stop at the stairs and kneeled down to take in the new knowledge.

Yaoyorozu: (Thinking) They don't neglect me. They are busy, true. But they certainly never do that. And what's with him wanting to protect me? I mean, it makes sense. He wants to be a hero too. It's not like I'm overthinking this. No. Of course not. That wouldn't make sense at all. Just don't think of it like that at all. Maybe...?

Yaoyorozu shook her head and decided to walk back to you, talk and see where things took off from them. Just as she reached the hallway with the nurse's office, you were already out with your broken bones healed. You cracked your knuckles and neck and began to walk the opposite direction of Momo.

She was about to go after you but decided against it. Yaoyorozu then walked back down the opposite stairs as you both went your separate ways for the day.

(Y/N): (Thinking) What was I saying? "I want to protect you?" Geez! You're here to be a hero. Not to be an idiot. The last thing I want is to turn out like that Mineta guy. (Sighs and projects) I got to punch a wall again. 

Momo Yaoyorozu X Male Reader: Power CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now