Fight of Our Lives

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You held Yaoyorozu close to you as you saw the remaining twenty Helios Corp. troops surrounding you all. You both looked at one another with concern as you slowly covered Momo more so she wouldn't be hurt by the gunfire.

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Just stay still. I-I can-

Momo created two more Russian nesting dolls from her forearms, presumably with the flashbang grenades as well. You glanced at her and gave her a smirk. However, Dr. Lovecraft walked over to you both and placed his foot onto the dolls. You both glanced upward and saw him hovering over you both. Meanwhile, you could see Kaku was being targeted by the troops, guns aimed directly at his face. He glanced over at you guys with fear on his face. Yaoyorozu gave him a sympathetic look before looking at Lovecraft with you.

Dr. Lovecraft: I'm sorry, students. But this is where our journey ends and your new one begins.

(Y/N): Couldn't agree more doc!

You absorbed the concrete ground, ran forward, and tackled the guy. Well, you pushed him back, hit him in the chin, and went in for a punch. Lovecraft blocked the punch and twisted your arm back. However, the distraction let Yaoyorozu create the actual flashbangs and throw them around you guys to cause another distraction. She grabbed your hand and ran out of the alleyway.

Yaoyorozu: KAKU! Go!

Kaku released another blast, a much larger one, and blast away the Helios troops, killing some presumably. Kaku used his energy blast to level the entire building in front of the alleyway to escape but as he ran outside to meet with you guys, did he stop with you. In front of you guys were three hovering helicopters and several Helios Corp. troops. All in front of them was a woman in a military-style uniform. It was Ms. Helios.

Helios: Now then. That is our asset. We will be taking that back now.

(Y/N): He's a person. Not an asset.

Helios: Oh, please child. Dr. Lovecraft, if you would please.

From the alleyway, Dr. Lovecraft flew up from the alleyway and aimed a gauntlet down towards the three of you. You guys went back to back, trying to see how many each of you could take on. Yaoyorozu looked around and then stepped forward to talk to everyone.

Yaoyorozu: Please! Listen to me. None of us have to do this. Just let him go. If you were really about liberation then you would grant all of us freedom. Please. He just wants to live a normal life and-

Helios pointed at Momo and a sniper bullet grazed her arm and hit Kaku in the shoulder. You grew enraged.

(Y/N): MOMO!

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)?

You ran forward as another sniper bullet was fired. You absorbed the concrete and took the hit. You lunged forward and punched a goon in the face before elbow another one. Helios sighed and pointed at Kaku while she also drew out a pistol. As she walked towards the two, she formed a small ball of energy in her palm.

Helios: That quirk is my quirk, boy. Forceful quirk activation and transfer. A gift from a mutual friend.

Kaku: Then I'll show you what I can do with it and-

Kaku was cut off due to the gunshot hitting his armor. Helios launched the energy ball and it exploded just before it hit Kaku, causing a blast and launching him back. Before another bullet could hit Kaku, Yaoyorozu stood in the middle of them with a shield along her left arm. She formed a bo staff in her right hand and lunged forward.

Helios dodged the staff and the two began to fight. Momo swung her staff near Helios' face but she dodged it again, grabbed it, and kicked Yaoyorozu in the stomach. You turned back and leapt towards Helios to stop her. Helios turned around and fired, hitting you in the shoulder. You rolled along the ground, writhing in pain. Momo screamed and ran over to attack Helios. She released combo after combo, spinning, hitting, and trying to beat Helios.

Eventually, the older woman tripped Momo and threw her down onto the ground. She then aimed her pistol at Momo's head to kill her. However, before the trigger could be fired, Dr. Lovecraft shot a beam from one of his gauntlets, flew down, and kicked Helios away.

Helios: Dr. Lovecraft?!

Dr. Lovecraft: Like it or not. I am a hero! And I cannot have children being murdered on my watch! I support our cause, but not your methods.

Lovecraft fired off a beam towards Helios who dodged it and fired a bullet towards the doctor. The bullet missed and hit Kaku instead. Lovecraft turned back and fired a beam at Kaku as well. Yaoyorozu swung her staff to attack both adults, which they blocked. Helios fired at Momo but Lovecraft blocked the bullet and grabbed Yaoyorozu and threw her away from the fight.

Yaoyorozu turned back and saw you still on the ground in pain. She ran over to you and kneeled down beside you.

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)? (Y/N) are you alright?!

(Y/N): Yeah...yeah, I'm fine. Just gotta regrow some body parts before my quirk times out. What's happening right now?

Yaoyorozu: Kaku is injured, Dr. Lovecraft is fighting to protect us while still wanting to kill Kaku and those goons are-

Helios Soldier: Don't move!

You and Yaoyorozu turned around and saw three Helios troops standing over you. Yaoyorozu looked back down at you and slowly formed a small spring from her stomach area. You and her locked eyes and smiled at one another.

(Y/N): (Whispering) I love you.

Yaoyorozu: I know.

Momo spun around and threw the spring into the face of the center soldier.

Helios Soldier: Oh what the hell?!

Yaoyorozu lunged forward and punched the goon onto the ground. She side kicked the one to her left as you leapt up and punched the third trooper in the face. You both got up and went back to back to fight off more of the troops moved in to fight you both. Meanwhile, Lovecraft and Helios kept blocking and dodging each other's blasts. The two then aligned perfect shots and blasted each other in the face and made them slid backward.

Once they stopped, both looked over to Kaku and each blast him with their own energy spikes. Kaku was blasted back and hit a wall. Helios then aimed a pistol towards you and Yaoyorozu but Lovecraft blasted the pistol out of her hand. Helios glares back at Lovecraft and fires a beam of energy at him. Lovecraft dodged it and saw Kaku slowly getting up. He fired a beam at Kaku and shot the man back into the wall again.

Helios tries to go in for another shot to you and Yaoyorozu but you punched a goon back into Helios to distract her. Yaoyorozu lunged forward and kicked her in the face. Lovecraft looked back to Kaku again and fired off another beam to suppress and kill him.

Kaku: Stop it!

A fireball hit the ground and caused a blast. Everyone looked up and saw Endeavor and Hawks coming into the battle. Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods also appeared along with an army of police.

Kamui Woods: Stop this at once villains!

Mt. Lady: Doc? What's going on?!

(Y/N): They're trying to kill Kaku!

Endeavor: And we're supposed to know who that is?!

Kaku: I said-

Helios: Enough of this!

Helios turned back to Kaku and fired off a massive beam towards Kaku, making him scream in pain. The police move in as you run over to tackle her. Dr. Lovecraft fires a beam at Kaku and one at Mt. Lady to distract the heroes. Momo runs after you to stop you and get you into cover.

Kaku: I! Said! Enough!!!

Kaku releases another massive blast, turning the world white from it.

Hawks: I guess that's him, Todoroki.

The blast consumes the entire area, turning everything white. You passed out due to the blast as the last thing you heard was Momo screaming your name and the word "help".

Momo Yaoyorozu X Male Reader: Power CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now