Welcome to UA

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After a few more days of waiting, you and Yaoyorozu made your way to UA High School together. The main topic of discussion was once again the expectations you both had for the school and your classmates. Momo was thinking they were going to be the nicest people around, model students, ready warriors and all around good people. However, you were the opposite.

Yaoyorozu: Honestly, (Y/N), you can't expect everyone to be a horrible person. Some of our fellow peers want nothing but the same dreams we have.

(Y/N): It's not my fault I'm a pessimist. Look, I'm just being a realist.

Yaoyorozu: You need to learn to think positively.

(Y/N): I think positively. Just not in all aspects.

Yaoyorozu rolled her eyes and continued onward towards the school. Once there, you both got to see the facilities in full force and both you and Yaoyorozu were impressed. State of the art training ground, plenty of gyms to workout in and top of the line teachers. You were both fortunate to get Class 1-A together and proceeded inside. Of course though Yaoyorozu already got to work introducing herself to everyone and starting conversations.

You, meanwhile, were at your desk, just trying to pass the time. Of course, two kids were already going at it about respect or shoving sticks up people's butts. Everyone in class must have heard it since it was loud enough for that. You glanced over to Yaoyorozu and smirked knowing your prediction was half right. However, that got her attention and she decided to run over, pull you from your desk and drag you over to meet people.

(Y/N): Momo, what are you doing?

Yaoyorozu: Call it networking.

(Y/N): You just want me to meet new people, don't you?

Yaoyorozu: You can do that on your own time.

(Y/N): Momo, I know exactly how you operate.

Yaoyorozu: I...this is...

(Y/N): This is what you get your friend is anti-social.

Yaoyorozu turned back to you and gave you a deadpanned look. You shrugged her off like nothing and proceeded onward to her new found friends. Sure it was a bit awkward but whatever was the case you were introduced to Kyoka Jiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, Toru Hagakure, Mashirao Ojiro and Hanta Sero. They all seemed like nice kids. So, both predictions here right in the end, something Momo was not willing to admit to.

After that, the basic school day began for you guys. And by basic you meant a quirk test to see where you ranked in the class. The tests were all basic things such as grip strength, long jump, so on and so forth. All of those, you just hung around Yaoyorozu, not really caring about the others of the school. Yaoyorozu obviously caught sight of this and turned back to you after you both finished the 50 meter dash with her winning it of course.

Yaoyorozu: Why don't you spend time with the others?

(Y/N): Eh, I don't know. You kinda did say we were both in through recommendations. You know how I feel about flaunting things around like that.

Yaoyorozu: Then don't prove my point and talk to them. If you don't it makes you seem like the high end person.

You glanced down and began to think for a moment. You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck.

(Y/N): Always got to do this to me.

Yaoyorozu: Now go have fun.

(Y/N): You really are the mom of the group, I swear.

You rolled your eyes and walked up to Ojiro and Sero to begin a conversation. Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu blushed slightly and turned back from you.

Yaoyorozu: (To herself) Only if you get to be the dad.

The talk with the two was actually pretty chill. They were both impressed by your quirk and talked about their interests and their backgrounds. It was pretty cool hearing about how Ojiro trained for years in the mountains to master all aspects of his quirk for the time being. As you guys were talking and using your quirk, you caught the attention of Eijiro Kirishima. Kirishima was one with a hardening work, somewhat similar to yours but not directly the same. After your teacher, Aizawa, freaked you out to no return, he called it a day and allowed you guys to go home right afterwards.

So, back in the classroom, you and Kirishima set up a massive stone column as you absorbed some metal for your skin. Meanwhile though, Yaoyorozu looked on in a bit of shock.

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N), are you sure this is going to be a good idea?

(Y/N): I'll be fine, Momo. Besides, you wanted me to be social. This is how I'm going to do it.

Kirishima: Letting the manliest out early! I like it!

You both linked up your arms and Mezo Shoji decided to ref for you both since he was the strongest guy in the room.

Shoji: Ready?

(Y/N): Born.

Kirishima: Yeah.

Yaoyorozu: Be careful, (Y/N)!

Shoji: Go!

You and Kirishima began to push against one another's arms with great force. You both were struggling for a couple of minutes, slowly gaining ground on one another. You looked up to the clock to see your 10 minute time limit slowly go down. You continued to push against Kirishima while you heard cheers around you. Some for the red head, others for you. But, at the end of the day, you could hear Momo's the loudest despite her not being loud at all.

You guessed you just knew Yaoyorozu's voice so well it was easy to pick out from a crowd. You slowly began to push back on Kirishima's arm, slowly but surely you were able to gain ground on him. Finally after around six minutes, you slammed Kirishima's hand down onto the column, winning the match. You shot up and slammed your chest with your hand and slightly yelled.

(Y/N): That's how you do it, boy!

You looked back and saw Yaoyorozu giving you a slight smile. You easily returned it with your trademarked smirk. Next thing you knew, you were now arm wrestling Shoji. The entire time you were, you were laughing and enjoying yourself with your new found friends. Of course Shoji beat you like it was nothing but it was still fun to see the ones after that and you laughing all the way.

Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu smiled as she saw the joy on her face. She was standing next to Jiro who looked on with a smile as well.

Jiro: I'm surprised. I thought he was going to be some kinda jerk, Bakugo.

Yaoyorozu: You really just got to warm up to him. He's a lot sweeter than you think.

Yaoyorozu looked back at you and smiled as you laughed with your friends. So, the school day was pretty good with the minor exception of Aizawa threatening the crap out of your friends. After the arm wrestling competition, you guys decided to call it a day and go home. You and Yaoyorozu walked back to your homes as you acted more jazzed up than anything else.

Yaoyorozu: So...it seems to me that I was right in my predictions.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, yeah. You were right. Sorry I was being cautious.

Yaoyorozu: Sometimes being cautious can lead you to being a bit rude.

(Y/N): Yeah, I got that. So...you came first place. Nice as always.

Yaoyorozu: And you came in third.

(Y/N): Doesn't mean I'll stay there forever.

Yaoyorozu: It's the thought that counts.

(Y/N): Clearly. All though, if it is the thought, then you clearly have the number one spot in the bag. You always were the genius of the friend group.

Yaoyorozu: I don't like to believe that's true. I think everyone has the ability to grow in intelligence.

(Y/N): Not everyone. Just take the compliment and move on.

Yaoyorozu looked at you and gave off a small smile. You could see it and smiled back at her. You both came to a crossroads were your homes diverted. You waved bye to her and walked on your own. Yaoyorozu did the same with the opposite direction. This was going to be a fun school year. 

Momo Yaoyorozu X Male Reader: Power CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now