Helios Corporation

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Helios: (Narrating) The Helios Corporation was founded along with other organizations for one common purpose, liberation. We joined with Detnerat and Destro to accomplish this purpose. Technology can lead to new quirks, these quirks can be used to further our goals. We will topple world governments and finally be free.

As the above was spoken, a small pan over to the crater formed by Kaku is shown. He is panting, taking in breath after breath. The crater goes so deep that a few sear pipes are flooding the hole. A few buildings are destroyed and civilians and villains dead. You are inside a small shop, the blast forcing you through a window. You have Yaoyorozu hugged up close to you, glass in your back.

Momo slowly gets out of your hold and looks over you. She shakes you, trying to get a response as she yells your name. You can't hear her.

Back in the crater, Dr. Lovecraft is sitting, back against the ground, and also breathing heavily. He slowly reaches over and grabs his helmet and pulls it back over to him. He looks at it and in the gold, he sees his reflection.

Helios: (Narrating) And if we can't have those weapons. Then we make sure, no one else will.

Dr. Lovecraft looks up and gains a determined/angry look and places his helmet back onto his head. He gets up and stares down at Kaku. Kaku fires off a beam of energy towards Lovecraft but the hero slides under it and activates his flying card and dashes towards Kaku. Kaku fires off another beam that Lovecraft dodges as he flips forward. Lovecraft goes in for a punch as Kaku raises his arms to block the attack.

Elsewhere, Helios is watching news of the fight. The media has already painted Kaku as a villain and as a new embodiment of evil. While Helios does seem fine by this, she is more annoyed than anything else. She grabs her phone and goes into records to see that she would be losing over a billion Yen if Kaku were to die.

Helios: (Thinking) It wouldn't be profitable, but with this boy running amuck, then our cause is lost. Damnit! (She looks back at the screen) As for those two children, they must have unfortunately passed as well.

Back inside the shattered store floor, Yaoyorozu was busy giving you CPR, trying to make sure you could breathe. Around you, both were broken glass and the shards of glass Momo personally pulled out of your back to let you rest easier. She had created bandages and wrapped them around and across your open wounds. She blew breaths into your mouth and continued to give you CPR, trying to save you.

Yaoyorozu: Please, (Y/N)! Please, please, please!!!

After a few more breaths, you coughed and took in a deep breath as your eyes shot open. You sat up, confused, and dazed as Yaoyorozu hugged you tightly, not letting go after you patted her back to get her to stop.

(Y/N): Momo. What just happened?

Yaoyorozu: Kaku sent off a blast. I'm not sure how exactly we're alive right now but here we are. We need to get out of here.

(Y/N): But-Kaku...we need to-

Yaoyorozu: There's nothing we can do for him! We have to-

(Y/N): Yaoyorozu...there is something we can do. And you know it.

Yaoyorozu looked down at the ground and then back to you. You gave her a smile, telling her it would be alright. She sighed and nodded back to you and pecked you on your forehead as she helped you to your feet and guided you off. You both slowly walked out of the building and found the outside fire escape and began to ascend to the top of the building.

Meanwhile, Lovecraft and Kaku were exchanging blows against one another, Kaku clearly not showing much resolve. Lovecraft used his quirk to make a small projection into Kaku's brain of you and Yaoyorozu dying due to the blast. Kaku was a bit more enraged and released a smaller blast to attack Lovecraft.

Lovecraft flipped back through the air and used his card to fly up to avoid the teen. Lovecraft used two gauntlets to fire beams of energy down at him. Kaku formed an energy shield and pushed it forward towards Lovecraft. He dodged and saw that a few members of the Helios Corporation had gotten up and were ready to fight. He glared down at Kaku and flew down towards him. Kaku shot a beam and it cut through the card of Dr. Lovecraft.

Lovecraft flipped forward and landed behind Kaku which allowed him to elbow the teen in the back and flipped the young man over his shoulder. Lovecraft used his quirk again and formed a giant space monster for Kaku that slowly was about to consume him. Kaku covered his head in fear until the illusion vanished and Lovecraft shot a beam at Kaku's head, breaking the glass dome of the armor.

Upon a rooftop, you and Momo reached the top and took cover behind the edge of the building. You both looked out and saw the battle on the ground with Dr. Lovecraft easily beating Kaku and some of those mob members slowly moving closer to the battle. Yaoyorozu turned around and began to make little Russian nesting dolls for whatever the reason was. You looked back down, trying to find a way to stop the fighting and save them both.

Momo tossed you a doll and she gathered the rest for herself. You gave her a questioning look and she tossed one up like a baseball.

(Y/N): Is this the old flashbang plan?

Yaoyorozu: It's the only plan I could think of that will give us enough time to get them and figure out what exactly is going on. On my mark.

(Y/N): Gotcha!

The goons from before slowly began to move closer and closer to the crater. Finally, they were basically right on top of the two. Momo nodded at you and you two threw the nesting dolls down onto the ground, blinding everyone on the street. You and Momo leapt down and grabbed both Dr. Lovecraft and Kaku. You silently told him it was you and Yaoyorozu did the same for the doctor. You both guided them a couple of blocks away and into an alleyway and nearly threw them both onto the ground.

Kaku and Lovecraft both slowly came to and once they saw each other, they nearly attacked if it wasn't for you and Momo breaking it up.

(Y/N): Listen!

Kaku: (Y/N)...you betrayed me?

(Y/N): No one is betraying anyone! Listen! We need answers! What is happening? What do you mean "They created you", Kaku? Why do the Helios Corp want you dead? Why are you, Doctor, working so closely to them among others?

Dr. Lovecraft: Alright, alright. I'll explain everything. The Helios Corporation was created as a support company for heroes. However, after years of the job, support wasn't cutting it. Quirks began to develop into more odd and creative fashions. Such as Bendy fingers or turning people into meatballs or something like that. And when the hammer came down to stop those types of quirks, we all got pissed. Helios is about knowledge and expansion of that knowledge. If we limit these quirks, we limit ourselves.

(Y/N): So you all turned into criminals?

Dr. Lovecraft: No! We wanted to liberate the populus. Make them free! Not everyone is born equal. And those with the quirks and the ones who know how to run things should be free to do so. We should look at these quirks and how we can evolve from them. How they can help us! Imagine us finding and colonize new worlds with one or two random quirks alone.

Yaoyorozu: Then why do you need Kaku?

Dr. Lovecraft: We...we realized not many would join us. Heroes at least. So, if we got the most powerful quirks under our control, no one would stop us. No one could stop us. A person who could become a living nuclear weapon, one who could teleport and take out high officials. WE were the chess masters. Sometimes projects get lose. And we either hunt them and bring them back or-

(Y/N): You kill them.

Dr. Lovecraft: We cover the tracks. We did what we had to do!

Kaku: You kidnaped kids! You experimented on me! You turned me into this-this thing! You ruined my life!!!

Kaku released a small blast that sent you and Yaoyorozu to the ground. He looked down at you both in a bit of horror and shock.

Kaku: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry you guys! I didn't mean to-

Several guns were all cocked and Kaku turned around. Standing beside Dr. Lovecraft were several different Helios Corp. troops. Their guns were aimed at you, Yaoyorozu and Kaku. 

Momo Yaoyorozu X Male Reader: Power CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now