Victory Celebration

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So, you were officially let into UA High through pure recommendations via a scout who watched you and Yaoyorozu train together. You still had no true understanding behind the decision. You didn't see yourself as unworthy when it came to getting recommendations, heck you thought you were going to be recommended to different schools such as Shiketsu or Ketsubutsu. Regardless, you were still pumped up for the chance to study at UA.

You called Yaoyorozu after your parents basically showered you with an intense amount of affection and praise for getting into UA. Of course, Yaoyorozu basically went ballistic, saying how proud she was and how excited she was. She then decided to have you come over to her home for a victory celebration. You accepted but with some deep down resentment. Momo was going on about different forms of tea and spending time in the Great Hall and here you were, just trying to calm her down.

Yaoyorozu: Calm down? (Y/N), this is big! We got into UA together! Doesn't that mean anything to you?

(Y/N): First and all, yes it does. Don't be over dramatic. I'm just saying, we don't need to go flaunting this information around.

Yaoyorozu: I'm not flaunting anything at all.

(Y/N): (To yourself) Except yourself with that custom.

Yaoyorozu: What was that last bit, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Nothing. Dont worry about it.

Yaoyorozu: Well, I expect to see you at my home bright around noon! Don't be late!

(Y/N): And when you say "bright", you mean me being a happy soul?

Yaoyorozu: I still don't see how you're not so happy about this!

(Y/N): I'm happy. I just choose to keep it internalized. (smiles) I'll see you at your place. Ok?

Yaoyorozu: Yes! I can't wait to see you!

She hung up after that last note. You sighed and rolled over along your bed and looked up to the ceiling. You were never really a fan of going to Momo's house. It wasn't because her parents were stuck up, far from it. They were very nice folks. You weren't a fan of being in a big house. They were beyond rich and showed it quite a lot with their estate alone. But regardless, you were there for your friend and nothing else.

The following day, you walked to her house from yours. You lived closed by her home and it was a quick walk. It was also a quick walk to the training grounds and to UA. Still, you arrived at the house and saw the estate still encompassed the entire block. You rang the doorbell and quickly heard Yaoyorozu's voice.

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)! I've been waiting for you! Come in! I'm out back!

The doors opened and you sighed. "Out Back" meant she was either in or beside the pool. You didn't bring a swimsuit or anything like it so you just followed the intended instructions. Once you rounded the corner of the house, you saw that Momo was in the pool swimming. You blushed and quickly absorbed the concrete ground to hide the blush. She looked at you and waved before pulling herself out of the pool.

You could never deny the physical attractiveness of Momo Yaoyorozu. She was an attractive woman. Well, teenager. Then again, you were only a month older than her. Still...still.

You deactivated your quirk as she walked over to greet you. You mentally slapped yourself across the face and walked up to her and stopped just before her.

(Y/N): Hey, Yaomomo.

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N), it's great to see another UA recommendee.

You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly.

Momo Yaoyorozu X Male Reader: Power CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now