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You suddenly awoke in your bed back at home. Your eyes slowly shifted from left to right trying to get a feel for the area around you. You then shifted your weight up and winced as you did so. You crashed back down onto the bed and sighed once again, letting reality settle in. At first, you wondered why you weren't in a hospital, then it hit that it was probably your dad who wanted you home. He had a doctorate and an intense healing quirk, possibly more powerful than Recovery Girl's quirk.

You sighed and looked around to see any sights of you possibly being attended or anything at all. Any activity. You could detect almost nothing from it. The door opened and your father walked in. He speed-walked over to you and kneeled down beside you next to your bed.

Father: (Y/N), are you alright?!

(Y/N): Yeah, Dad. I'm fine. Just back and stomach and arms hurt. So everything really.

Father: Sorry. I didn't want to drain you or myself that much. Is there anything you need right now?

(Y/N): What happened exactly?

Father: What's the last thing you remember.

(Y/N): I remember Momo and I-is she-

Father: She's at her home now. Focus on the here and now.

(Y/N): Well, we were fighting off the Helios Corporation. Dr. Lovecraft works for them. And he and their leader was trying to kill Kaku No. The guy Momo and I saved a couple months back. Then the other pro heroes showed up to help. Suddenly, I guess Kaku blasted again and everything went white.

Father: Well, according to the other pros, the blast knocked everyone out. Killed a few more. And by a few I mean 53. Kaku was already gone. Dr. Lovecraft and Helios have already been arrested. They were sentenced to Tartarus.

(Y/N): And I take it no sign of Kaku?

Your father shook his head no. You sighed and fell backward, down onto the bed. He got up and placed a hand on your shoulder for support.

Father: Rest up. You'll need your strength back soon.

You nodded and went back down fully onto the bed. You glanced over and saw your phone and grabbed it. You opened it and saw a few messages from Yaoyorozu trying to see how you were. Rather than texting her, you just called upfront. After a couple of tries, you finally got her and smiled at the sound of her voice.

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)! You're ok! Right?

(Y/N): Momo. I'm fine. More important question is, are you?

Yaoyorozu: Me? I'd be dead if it wasn't for you. You save my life! Twice! I'm alright. A lot of the other pro heroes are also injured. Endeavor's left half was burned in the blast. Dr. Lovecraft is lucky to be alive according to the doctors.

(Y/N): Well, if that ain't ironic.

Yaoyorozu: More importantly, Kaku has gone completely missing. Three more Helios Corp. warehouses have been destroyed since the blast.

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. You and Momo continued to catch up for the next few minutes, trying to piece together and figure out what was going on. Mr. Aizawa even contacted both of you and said your work studies was officially canceled. It sucked that only after a day on the job the entire thing went and blew up in your faces but at the same time, it was fun while it lasted.

In return, Aizawa offered to take you both out as his own work studies in order to give each of you a needed edge in the field. Additionally, it gave each of you a chance to improve your quirks even further with new possible ultimate moves and seeing the extents of your quirks. All in all, you each were excited for what was to come.

You and Momo also talked about getting together just to hang out and try to push everything behind you guys. You both were just wanting to cast everything behind you guys. You wanted to make sure that Kaku was alright, but at this point, it didn't seem like he ever would again. You groaned in annoyance when classmates came up, mostly Mineta. Jerk asked if you died. Everyone else was super worried and supportive when the info came through that you both were ok.

After that, Momo allowed you to get some much-needed rest. During which, your father must have come into your room again and used his quirk again to heal you up. The following day, you were up and about, ready to kick some butt. You started out with the basics and went down to the small gym of your house and began to work out. After lifting some weights and absorbing different materials so you could launch lacrosse balls at you to test it, you began to do some cardio. You ran three laps around your house before running down to the old training arena.

Once there, you continued your workout, pushing to return to your old strength. You went through some boxing routines, throwing punch after punch just to get used to combat once again. Some of your old instructors were there as well and offered some assistance in practice to which, you agreed. So, after a couple minutes of sparring, you went back to weight lifting and using different aspects of your quirk to your advantage. You then proceeded to run back home after about five or six hours of training for dinner.

While on the run, you got a call from Yaoyorozu about a date location. You and her talked about going to the movies, hanging out at her place, training so on and so forth. Ultimately, you both decided on just a lunch date like usual. While you both would have loved something more extra, something small was necessary given the events of the past few days. So, you planned to meet up tomorrow to hang out and you arrived home safe and sound.

Like always, you had dinner with your family, watched some news reports to get information on the day, and see what some of the heroes were up too. It wasn't much, the usual hunt and arrest along with some major crime ring busts here and there. Another Helios warehouse was burned to the ground as well. You knew it was Kaku but the sites would have no survivors and anyone thought was responsible was long gone the time any police or hero could show up to stop them.

Once you got back into your room and crash down onto your bed did you let the pain kick in. You had place tremendous strain on your muscles today and combined with the damage throughout today, it really did hurt like hell.

You began to rest up, however, the constant thought of Kaku and Yaoyorozu was in your head. What if she had gotten hurt? What if she was killed? What would you do with yourself if she had died? Where did Kaku go? What was he doing? How or what were you going to do about it?

Those questions got you to cover your face with your hands and sighed to yourself. Either way, you wanted to rest up and just not worry about anything. However, you knew that this was not possible. You were bound to think about it. You turned to look out your window and looked out. You knew Momo was safe. You knew that Kaku was out there. And that's all what mattered to you at the moment. What came next was anyone's game.

(Y/N): What the hell am I going to do now?

Momo Yaoyorozu X Male Reader: Power CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now