February 21 I think

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I guess it's the 21. I've like known what the date is all week, but if you asked me, I would have to think about it first.

I really hope we get more snow. We don't have even close to enough for them to cancel school on Monday. I LOVE snow days. I remember, the first snow day I had, I was really mad about it because I had actually liked school.

I seriously did nothing today. From eight to nine, I played Minecraft. From nine to eleven, I played on my iPad. From eleven to twelve thirty, I drew and didn't fail. From twelve thirty to two, I watched Doctor Who. From two to three, I watched YouTube. From three to four thirty, I entered random servers on P.C. Minecraft and spawned over two stacks of creepers. Then I was back on my iPad until six. Then we watched Super 8. It's a pretty funny movie and I enjoyed it.

Funny story. Earlier today, I was typing the word six and it autocorrected to sexist. I honestly hate autocorrect most of the time, but it really makes me laugh sometimes. I really wasn't having a good day, I wasn't looking forward to doing stopping to thinks and I was tempted to skip science. We have to write the daily target everyday and it autocorrected target to tragedy. I laughed and thought that describes science perfectly.


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