It's a Saturday right?
So, I had to write a stupid essay for science today. It had to be on a ridiculous hybrid I created. I did a cross between an eagle and an octopus. It looks pretty stupid, yet I think it also looks kind of cool.
We went to Dairy Queen yesterday. I love their blizzards so freakin much. I seriously think it's a problem. I finished my blizzard and there the completely empty cup away in my bathroom trash can. I went downstairs for something and ten minutes later, I come back upstairs and find my dog tearing the empty blizzard cup apart on my carpet floor.
#Fangirl for life. I watched the trailers for the new Avengers, Star Wars and Jurassic Park at least six times each just today. I'm so excited for all of the movies that are coming out in 2015. I only have two weeks until the Avengers comes out. I think we're going the day after it comes out to the Flatirons Mall to see it in 3D in the ETX theater.
Did I mention the fact that I'm completely obsessed with four songs out of either The Hobbit end credit scenes or The Lord of the Rings end credit scene. The songs are I See Fire by Ed Sheeran, Into the West by Annie Lennox, May It Be by Enya and Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd.