February 22

23 3 0

I don't think we're going to have a snow day tomorrow.

Let me just vent for a second. On Friday, when we were presenting our middle age people, a bunch of students said their person came from present day London. That would be London 2015 not London in the 1300's. David said his person was from the 1800's! That's after America was founded! It was so frustrating that people weren't presenting the correct facts.

Asher came over today. It was fun. We played Minecraft. My sister decided that we should just kill each other. It was kind of like we played hide and seek. I hid in my mushroom house and she was freaking out about not finding a hiding place so I told her to hid behind the nether portal. Asher found her really quickly.

It's so cold. It's nine degrees outside, so it feels cold inside as well. I like the cold way better than the heat, but not cold like this.


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