March 14

19 4 0

Happy Pi day! 😐

My sister has finally shut up about the stupid birthday party that she was going to, probably because she's at that stupid party right now. It for her friend Maryn. Apparently, they were going out to dinner in a limo and then after dinner, Maryns favorite babysitters we're going to give them all makeovers. It sounded like torture to me, but my sister thought it was going to be quote "amazing."

Since my sister wasn't here, my dad and I went to Georgia Boys BBQ in Fredrick. The food was so good, especially the ribs. When we got home, we watched Alien. It was the first R rated movie that I've seen and can I just say that it was pretty damn amazing. It was made before we had computer graphics. It was made pretty flawlessly. I thought it was really good. My sister would have been terrified.

There was a cat in the movie that kept almost getting killed. I would have been really pissed if that had happened. In movies, the main character could die, for all I care. When an animal gets killed, I'm very unhappy with the creators of the movie.


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