March 5

21 4 5

Game club was really fun today, even though Taylor, Gabby and I had to leave at four instead of four thirty. Taylor really wanted me to play tag with them and I really didn't want too. I was sitting on the floor next to Mindy, Asher and Connor.
"Ashley, can you PLEASE come outside with us?" Taylor asked. I ignored her.

"Ashley come outside," said Gabby. I ignored her as well.

"Yeah Ashley," said Asher.

"Listen to your boyfriend Ashley," Taylor said.

"Have you put it up for adoption yet?" Mindy asked. We all burst out laughing. Asher and Connor looked at us really weird. I finally decided to go outside with Taylor. She really wanted me to play tag with her, Gabby and some other people. I ran around the track instead.

While I was fixing my shoe, Taylor threw multiple snowballs at me and missed every single one. Then Gabby joined in. They threw like fifty snowballs at me and only the last one that Gabby threw actually hit me.

When we were back inside, Taylor, Gabby and I were playing Minecraft. There were two really annoying kids joining into Taylor's world and killing us all. They were really focused on killing "Neon Creeper," which was my gamer tag. I had to exit the world and go into one of my own and change my gamer tag to "Your Stalker." It really confused the two annoying kids in our world.


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