Chapter 15

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Daisy sat in the medbay for the second time in the last twenty-four hours. Mack wanted everyone to get checked out again before they went any further. Daisy was mostly quiet as one of the medics looked over her. Her mind was running like crazy.

That man who stepped out from the truck. He had his face. How was this even possible? There was absolutely no way. Daisy thought she was going crazy, but even Agent Fox had recognized him, but that had only cost his life. The look on May's face when she laid eyes on him told Daisy that she saw it too. 

Daisy's attention was brought back when the medic shined a light in her eye. "Sorry about that," the medic apologized. "Your pupils don't look blown, so thankfully you don't have a concussion. Are you still hearing the ringing in your ears?" Daisy shook her head. "That's good. However, your ears may start ringing again slightly every so often but not as intense. I would still be careful. I would not recommend listening to music through earbuds for a day or two. Other than that, you're all good, Agent Johnson."

"Thank you," Daisy said before heading out of the medbay.

May waited outside of the medbay as she herself had already been checked out. "You all good?" Daisy nodded. "Well, three and a half months after giving birth, and you're back into the major leagues."

"Yeah," Daisy sighed. The two of them walked in silence, but both knew what was going on in the other's mind. They both saw it. They both saw him. "Who the hell was that? What... What is he?"

"I have no clue," May responded. May clenched her fists, her emotions starting to get the best of her. That man, whatever he was, was walking around with the face of the man she loved. When she looked over at the younger agent, she could see that his face was bothering her as well. "Whatever the hell he is, we'll figure it out."

Daisy nodded without saying anything. They were going to get to the bottom of it. They always did. It was getting late, so after she ate dinner, she returned to her room with Nadia. Maybe all she needed was a good night's sleep.

Daisy was walking the halls of the Lighthouse. However, it looked different. It looked like the one they saw in space. The one from the future where Deke was from. Daisy could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Why was she back here?

"May!" she called out as she began running. "Mack! Yoyo!" She continued to call out, but couldn't find anyone. Unlike the Lighthouse from 2091, this one was almost completely empty. There was not a single person in sight, which only made Daisy's anxiety spike even more.

Daisy turned a corner when she stopped in her tracks. Her breath got caught in her throat as she took in the sight in front of her. She never forgot his face. The pale blue face with black makeup around his eyes. The image was practically burned into her mind. Kasius. Standing next to him was, of course, Sinara because she just had to be here too, didn't she? The Kree warrior continued to move her metal orbs in her hand. Daisy tried to put on a brave face, trying to stand her ground.

"Destroyer of Worlds," Kasius called her. His voice made a shiver run down her spine. The name also struck something within Daisy, but she had to remind herself that it wasn't her. It was Talbot that had destroyed the world in the alternate timeline. They saved the world. She was okay. "So nice of you to join us."

"What do you want?" Daisy demanded. 

"Nothing," Kasius replied. "You've already given me all that I could ever want."

Suddenly, Coulson came out from the dark. Except, it wasn't Coulson. The clothes proved to Daisy that it was whatever the hell they ran into earlier with Coulson's face. She had to remind herself that it wasn't Coulson.

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