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Daisy sat on the beach outside of the Lighthouse. The fresh breeze brushed through her hair, and she sighed. She looked out to the ocean. To her family.

Back when she was a hacker for the Rising Tide, there were a lot of things that Daisy wouldn't believe or admit to believing. She was a former foster kid living in a van, working to exploit any secrets she could. It wasn't until she joined SHIELD that she opened up to a crazy new world. After being in SHIELD for a while, there wasn't much you could tell Daisy and her not believing in it.

An entire race of enhanced individuals that are descended from aliens? Practically child's play at this point. Portals made of rock that take you to different planets and time periods? Been there, done that. Technology that is capable of creating humanoid robots that can fully express human emotions? That one's too easy. Alien food that is equivalent to hallucinogenic drugs for human beings? Yep, those exist, but she's not going to be the one to have that conversation with you.

You'd think with everything Daisy Johnson has been through, there would be nothing she wouldn't believe in. However, there was still one thing that Daisy still could not believe, no matter how long it has been since it came true.

She still could not believe that she was a mom.

She never had a mother figure growing up. Most of her foster moms treated her terribly, and her own mother had even tried to kill her. The closest thing Daisy has had to an actual mother who loved her unconditionally was Melinda May, and she didn't meet her until she was twenty-four. Well, she was technically twenty-five, but she didn't know that yet.

So when she welcomed Nadia into the world, she was for sure terrified. Thankfully, she had her team - her family - that helped her out and stood by her side every step of the way. Sure, the way Nadia was conceived was not ideal and practically took away her own bodily autonomy, and though she wished it had happened under different circumstances, Daisy wouldn't change it for the entire world. Nadia was her miracle. She never thought she could love something as much as she loved her baby girl.

Back then, only having one child was crazy to her. Now that she was a mother of five, her life definitely got a little more interesting, especially within the last several years.

Daisy did spend a few years away from the field so that she could be home more often with Nadia while also having security for her own life so that Nadia wouldn't grow up without her mother. Sure, she still had jobs at SHIELD because she never wanted to leave the agency as a whole. Mack and May had assisted in helping Daisy buy a house near where the new Academy was being built where she could raise little Nadia. Daisy flourished in every moment she had with her daughter. Every little milestone made her so happy. The first time Nadia crawled, which was still at the Lighthouse at the time, was towards Daisy, who was sitting at her desk to find her baby trying to climb on the desk chair. The first time Nadia stood up was while holding Daisy's hands. Her first steps were towards Daisy and ended in her falling happily into her proud mother's arms. Even at ten months old, when Nadia blurted out her very first "Mama!", her arms reaching out for her mother, Daisy burst into tears of happiness.

Nadia was four years old when Daisy returned to the field. Going back in and leaving her daughter behind for days at a time was more challenging than not, but returning home to her baby girl made it all worth it. Daisy was also thankful that Mack promised she'd only be going on missions that wouldn't last more than a week and on ones that they deemed as not a high-risk mission. It was definitely hard to get back into the swing of the field, but it came back like second nature.

Nadia was now eleven years old. Daisy couldn't have asked for a happier little girl. Nadia was full of energy and was extremely bubbly and optimistic. Despite what Nadia was the result of, Daisy thanked the universe every day that she was able to give her daughter a normal life. Well, as much of a normal life any kid could have when their parents worked for a government agency. At only eleven years old, Nadia has shown interest in wanting to be a SHIELD agent just like her mother when she grew up. Mack and May have both told Daisy multiple times that she would make an amazing agent one day. Right now, Daisy was just focused on making sure Nadia had an understanding of her inhuman heritage so that when, and if, she chose to go through terrigenesis, she would be ready for the change.

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