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Kira ~

"Remind me again, why are we here?" I asked impatiently. I didn't have all day, I couldn't afford to miss the sign up.

"Patience, Sweetheart," Hisoka smiled, idly pouring a drink for me. "Here, relax for a bit."

I squinted suspiciously at the dark red liquid. "Is it alcohol?"

"Why? Are you underage?"

"No, of course, not!"

"That's a relief." His smiled widened before gesturing to the drink. "Well, what's stopping you?"

"Do you ever use your common sense?" I pushed the glass back towards him. "I am a woman who is alone in a room with a man, and not just any man, but to clarify, a creep like yourself. No way in hell am I getting drunk!"

"A 'creep'?" Hisoka took a small step back, falling back into his chair, all the while feigning an expression of hurt. "I am genuinely offended that you would think of me that way."

"I thought you already knew." I replied indifferently. "To be honest, I'm not sure whether you're just unknowingly creepy or you go out of your way to strive for creepiness. Either way, that makes you a creep."

The red-haired man gave me a dead look. "You know, Sweetheart, sometimes it's better not to be honest." He said, as he reached for the wineglass and downed the liquid in one swig. Placing he glass on the table, he reached into his pocket and emerged with a pack of cards.

"Hisoka, as much as I love your magic tricks, now isn't the time."

Ignoring me, he dealt three cards, placing them face down on the table. "Pick a card."

"I'm serious, you clown. I need to sign up quickly or else..."

"Pick a card." He repeated, this time more forcefully, compelling me to follow his instructions.

I reached out and flipped over the card on the right. But instead of displaying a number, the card showed a face and it was neither a king, queen or jack. My eyes flicked towards Hisoka in confusion. "Who is this?" I asked, indicating to the photograph of a ghostly pale man with narrow black slits for eyes.

"Oh, good choice," the clown remarked casually. "That's Sadaso."

"Yeah, no shit, that's what it says on the card. But who is this Sadaso?"

The corner of Hisoka's lips curled into an enigmatic smile, as he regarded me with playful eyes. Oh god, what is he up to now?

"Do you believe in magic?"

"Honestly, I don't know what to believe when I'm with you." Strangely, he was the only person who I saw no point in lying to. His unpredictability made it hard to decide whether telling him the truth or concealing it would result in the best outcome.

At that, his smile only widened. He took the card from my hand and placed it back on the table, face down. "I'm going to tap the card three times and then hand it to you."

He followed through the steps and soon I found myself holding the card again. But this time, the picture had been altered. Instead of an image of Sadaso, the card displayed tiny graphs and charts. Upon closer inspection, I found that they contained details of his abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

Apparently the look of surprise on my face was very amusing because, beside me, Hisoka began laughing. On top of that, he seemed extremely proud of his trick. "Very clever, right? You know, you can do it, too. If you tap the back of the card again three times, it'll revert back to the photograph."

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now