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Kira ~

Phase Two took another unexpected twist. Apparently none of us could cook, according to Menchi. She was really about to fail all of us, before Chairman Netero intervened. Thank god for that. The alternative task didn't involve much cooking, though acquiring the ingredient, spider eagle eggs, was taxing. At least it was for me. Hisoka cheated. Him and his Bungee Gum thing made the task too easy.

At the end of the day, the remaining candidates boarded the airship, headed towards Phase Three. Amongst us, there were two children, boys, both only twelve years old. Honestly, I didn't expect them to make it this far, but I guess there was more to them than what meets the eye.

It had been a long day, but for some reason, I felt more excited than tired. Most of the candidates have returned to their rooms to rest. I realised that would've been the wiser choice, but I couldn't find the urge to move, as I sat there, gazing out the window. The sky was beautiful tonight; a stretch of deep blue, adorned with glistening stars. Just like that night...

No, I mustn't look back.

In a few days time, I would finally become a Hunter. Then, all the wrongs will be righted.

"Is that what you think?"

The taunting voice pierced sharply through my head and I winced in pain. Not again...

"Why don't you face it? You can never make up for what you did."

I heard the all-too-familiar hiss of a laugh.

"Killing them won't bring him back."

"Shut up..."

"You know it too, don't you? But you don't care. You just want to make that horrible guilt go away. But let me tell you, it never will."

"Please... go away..." I heard my own voice crack ever so slightly.

"Go away? I'm a part of you. I've been here ever since, and I'm not going anywhere. I am you."

Why... why do you have to be a part of me?


Hisoka ~

I strode through the empty corridor. Illumi had already gone to sleep. What is with him and excessive sleeping? Disappointed, I resorted to wandering the airship, hopefully finding some form of entertainment.

"Shut up..."

Was that... Kira?

"Please... go away..." She sounded so distraught. Who was she talking to?

I rounded the corner, surprised to see her alone. "Kira?"

She spun towards me sharply, eyes widened, glistening with what I presumed to be tears. What happened to her?

"Oh, it's you." She sighed, turning back around.

"What's wrong, Sweetheart?" I asked, with as much sympathy as I could bring forth, while sitting down beside her. She didn't react. Thank god she didn't move away, though. It would've been awkward for me if she did. But seriously, what is up with her? She looks like she'd just been to hell.

There was no reply. For a solid few minutes, she continued to gaze aimlessly out the window.

I hate silence. For me it's just too overpowering, if that makes any sense. The voices in my head are so loud. I feel the need to constantly talk to drown them out. But now doesn't seem like a good time. I guess I'll just sit here quietly, with a poker face on, not making any noise, pretending I don't exist...

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now